“Birds and Their Houses: Cavity Nesters in Florida” – a new episode from Naturally Florida about birdhouses

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Are you interested in learning about which birds use birdhouses in Florida?
Only certain types of birds will use birdhouses, also known as nestboxes, and each species has a specific type of birdhouse they will use. Cavity-nesting birds are the type of bird that you are most likely to attract to your yard with a birdhouse or nestbox.
Birds come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They play a critical role in our ecosystems, keeping insect populations in check, serving as a valuable prey item for our larger mammals, and helping to disperse seeds!
Just like people, birds need food, water, and shelter to survive.

New Episode from Naturally Florida

Naturally Florida (a podcast about Florida’s natural areas and the wild things that live here) recently released a new episode about cavity-nesting birds in Florida. Check it out, below, or on your favorite podcast platform.

In this episode, we will explore a special type of bird called cavity nesters, who, as the name implies, need cavities to nest, reproduce and thrive. These are the birds you are most likely to see using birdhouses in Florida.

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You can find all the podcast platforms where Naturally Florida is published at www.naturallyfloridapodcast.com


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Posted: November 16, 2021

Category: Conservation, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Birds, Lara Milligan, Living With Wildlife, Naturally Florida Podcast, Shannon Carnevale