Heartland CISMA’s 8th Annual Central Florida Invasive Species Workshop

As a partner in the Heartland CISMA, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County’s Natural Resources program is pleased to offer a CEU opportunity to those who are interested in invasive species management, mapping, and identification skills.

Join us on April 25th for Heartland CISMA’s 8th Annual Central Florida Invasive Species Workshop!

  • Mapping Invasives: Who’s using what? Why?
  • Adaptive management and herbicide choice
  • Invasive plant ID breakout session, AKA Garden of Evil
  • Tram field tour breakout session: identification of common invasive species
  • What is the invasive risk of alternative crops
  • Tegus, African clawed frogs, and other exotic animals you should know


CEU Opportunity: 5 max
  • Right of Way – 1
  • Ag Animal Pest Control – 1
  • General Core 482 – 2
  • Natural Areas Weed Management – 2


Who should attend?

Environmental agencies, Land Managers, Herbicide Technicians, Contractors, ANYONE who spends time outdoors that is interested in combating Invasive Species!

What is this event?

This is a day-long workshop with exciting presentations and break out sessions dealing with Invasive Species in our area, and what we can do to manage these species.

Where do I register for this event?

Click the button below, to register now!

Register now button


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Posted: April 5, 2018

Category: Invasive Species, Pests & Disease
Tags: CEU Opportunity, Invasive Species, Polk County, Scarnevale

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