Volunteering for 4-H

4-H is the largest volunteer led program in the country and the volunteers are regarded as the backbone of 4-H. Florida 4-H greatly depends on its committed volunteers like you to promote its mission of learn by doing while incorporating the essential elements of Belonging, Independence, Generosity and Mastery in the youth. Your role and time as a volunteers provide a safe environment as well as a positive adult-youth partnership which as per research, is a necessity for them to be able to pursue their interests, causes and leadership roles successfully.

What do 4-H Club Volunteers do?

Club Programs are Youth-Led, VOLUNTEER-DRIVEN, and Agent-Supported.

Appointed and Approved Adult Volunteer are responsible for the following:

  1. Implements 4-H culture and policies
  2. Provides supervision, guidance, recognition
  3. Helps members plan and make decisions
  4. Helps conduct meetings and club activities
  5. Secures location of club meeting
  6. Communicates with families
  7. Communicates with 4-H Office
  • Turns in paperwork on time
  • Helps disseminate information
Volunteer roles
  • Organizational Leader
  • Activity Leader
  • Project Leader
  • Resource Leader
  • Teen Leaders
  • Chaperone
Checklist to become a 4-H volunteer
    1. Decide how and where to contribute.
    2. Check the various volunteer roles with Florida 4-H.
    3. Contact your local County Extension Office to learn about 4-H programming options and discuss possibilities with your 4-H Agent.
    4. Choose a volunteer role and complete an Adult Volunteer Profile through 4-H Online.
    5. Volunteer Screening
    • Successfully complete the annual Youth Protection Quiz.
    • Complete and submit the Florida 4-H Volunteer Packet to your local County Extension Office.
    • Level I/ Level II screen (based on your time of engagement with the youth)
    • Attend scheduled fingerprinting appointment and await eligibility status from 4-H Agent.

6. After you receive your official appointment letter, attend a county orientation and training.



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Posted: October 24, 2017

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: 4-H, 4-H Club Volunteers, Becoming A Volunteer, Polk4-H, Shree Ghosh, Volunteer Roles, Youth Development