Do you like to take pictures out of doors? If so, the 4-H Marine Ecology program would like to see your pictures of saltwater (marine) or freshwater (aquatic) habitats.
The Marine Ecology Photography Contest is open to 4-H youth, including Cloverbuds. Each 4-H member can enter three photographs in the contest, in any category. Although photographs submitted by Cloverbuds can’t be officially judged in the competition, they will be on display at the event. All photos entered must have been taken in Florida within the last year.
All photographs for the photo contest must be received by the Pinellas County 4-H office by October 17th. All photographs received will be on display at the Marine Ecology Event at the Osceola County Extension Office in Kissimmee on Saturday November 15. Youth do not need to be present at the November 15 event in order to receive a ribbon.
There are 5 categories in which to enter and youth may enter single print photos in any category. All photos must be related to habitat with water and can include photos of animals found in both marine and freshwater environments. The categories are :
· Marine Habitats where the focus in on the habitat not an individual animal or plant.
· Marine Life where the focus is on the animals and/or plants or grouping of marine life
forms (no freshwater).
· People and the Marine/Aquatic world showing how people use and impact both salt and
freshwater world.
· Aquatic Habitat, showing freshwater lakes, ponds, wetlands, swamps or rivers.
· Aquatic life showing specific plants/animals that can be found in freshwater or along the shore.
For questions or further information contact Betty Lipe at or 582-2528, or you can visit this website: marine photo contest rules