Naturally Florida recently launched their 5th season! This podcast teaches all about Florida’s natural areas and the wild things that live here. Unfortunately, in Florida, that also means there is talk about invasive species. In honor of National Invasive Species Awareness Week coming up on February 24th, Naturally Florida has pulled together all of their podcast episodes covering invasive species, including one whole episode dedicated just to invasive species terminology.
Invasive Species Episodes from Naturally Florida podcast:
- Words Matter: When and How to Use the Words Invasive Species
- Lara’s Favorite Species: The Green Anole (touches on the non-native brown anole lizard)
- Cuban Treefrogs, they’re more than just a nuisance!
- Toads as Big as Your Head! Cane Toads in Florida
- Pentastomes in Paradise: Invasive Parasite Plaguing Florida’s Snakes
If you enjoyed any of these episodes, please consider sharing it with a friend.
You can find all the podcast platforms where Naturally Florida is published, submit feedback, or request future topics at
Learn More:
- Invasive Animals in Florida Landscapes –
- Florida’s Nonnative Fish and Wildlife –
How You Can Help:
- Share the Naturally Florida podcast with family, friends and co-workers!
- Report non-native species –
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Learn about other episodes from Naturally Florida by Clicking Here.
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