Parts of a Label 6…How Do I Use It?

Blogs 1-5 of “Parts of the Pesticide Label” covered safety, both personal and everything else. Now that safety is covered, we are ready, at long last, to get into the meat of the label “How Do I Use It?”

Now we enter the bulk of the label, all the parts that tell us where to use it, how much to use, when to use. It can be overwhelming…but much like the rest of the label, there is logic to how this part is organized. It will always start with the information required for use that applies to ALL scenarios you would use it. From there it will begin to divide into different uses, but still follow a similar pattern. For instance, our Blamo label has information about drift management, droplet size, temperature inversions and areas to avoid treatment. This applies to ALL uses of this product, and so it is up front.


Continuing in the label we have several large categories such as Green Houses and Nurseries, Industrial, Turf, Aquatic. These each have specific instructions, starting with general guidance on using it in any scenario in those sites, and then getting more specific. Unsurprisingly, the aquatic section has the most detailed information about how to use this product in those settings. Every label will follow a similar pattern.

For example, some labels might start with Agricultural uses, and begin with general information that applies to all crops, things like mixing procedures, tank mix compatibility, and other information that will apply to ALL applications. From there it will specify use rates or anything specific to each crop area that it might be used. Many specialty products will additionally add Non Agricultural uses, that will similarly lay out the general rules of application and then specify deeper for each application thereafter. The point is no two labels are identical but will follow a similar pattern.

A label can be logical if we understand the purpose of the label. It is to convey safety information AND use information to make sure the product can be used as safe as possible and as effective as possible. Every label will start as general as possible, the information EVERYONE will need, and then get more and more specific. The only way to ensure total compliance is to Read the Label, each and every time. Hopefully, after seeing the “logic” behind how this information is organized helps in finding the information more effectively.

The end is in sight, one more blog to go. So far, we have covered:

  1. Personal Safety
  2. Environmental Safety
  3. Effective Product Use


Stay tuned for one more blog as we complete the final portion of the label.

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Posted: February 23, 2021

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, HOME LANDSCAPES, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Brett Bultemeier, National Pesticide Safety Education Month, Parts Of A Pesticide Label, Pesticide, Pesticide Information Office, Pesticide Label