Jedi Tacos: These ARE the CEUs You Are Looking For

Jedi Tacos: These ARE the CEUs You Are Looking For 


A short time in the future, in a galaxy right here at home, you need CEUs! Have you felt a disturbance in the force and found you are short CEUs? Do you have a bad feeling about finding a class in a nearby star system. Well this is no moon, but we have just the CEUs you are looking for. We have several new courses AND being this close to Cinco De Mayo, we have 4 courses available in Spanish too. If you haven’t caught on we are doing a CEU sale to celebrate international Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) AND Cinco De Mayo. Our two new courses are listed below, as well as a link to our Spanish courses for CEUs AND our free Spanish courses (If you need CEUs these are not the droids…I mean courses you are looking for.  

  • Register for any course between May 4th and May 14th and get 33% off 
  • Courses don’t have to be finished in that time. You just need to purchase them by May 14th   

Promotional Code is: JEDITACOS 

CEU Website 


New Courses:  


Spanish Courses:  

Free Spanish Courses:  


Here is a short video guide on how to get started 


Orientation Video 


Avatar photo
Posted: May 3, 2023

Category: Agriculture, HOME LANDSCAPES, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Brett Bultemeier, CEU Sale, License Renewal, Pesticide Information Office