All Pesticide Exams Available For At Home Testing!

There are close to 70,000 licensed pesticide applicators in the state of Florida. To qualify for a license they must take an exam that demonstrates they know the rules and regulations, along with proper use and safety of pesticides. Testing was limited to in-person at a county extension office, or perhaps at a large conference or training event. Well now applicators can do their pesticide testing at home, and ALL pesticide exams are available for at home testing!

Earlier this year we launched at-home testing with just 5 exams, all in Chapter 487 or our “agricultural licenses”. Given the success more exams are now available. After this long wait, ALL exams in all chapters, 388, 482, and 487 are now available. All exams are now available from the comfort of your home, no matter the license you need.

How Do I Test?

The way this works is that applicators sign-up for testing vouchers, exactly as they have in the past at the UF/IFAS Pesticide Exam Website. For a video on this process please see How to Get a Voucher. Once a voucher is in hand from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), examinees return to UF/IFAS Pesticide Exam Website and schedule their exams. For more information on how to schedule see How To Schedule an Exam. They can choose to test in the county extension office closest to them. Testing at the office are still free and operated by the most dedicated agents you will ever meet! Alternatively, they can select to test via remote proctored exams, which cost $27.60.

Every exam has 3 unique proctors that review the attempt. First, an A.I. computer program continually analyzes the attempt and creates a video for further review. This program will flag any suspicious behavior. Secondly, a human proctor at Everblue reviews every attempt to ensure the computer got it right. Finally, the Pesticide Information Office reviews any suspicious exams and submits a final decision to FDACS.

For The Applicators

This project was a passion of mine and took nearly 2 years to complete. I was driven to ensure that all applicators in the state of Florida have as many options as possible and that testing is available 24-7! Many in IFAS, at Everblue and FDACS worked to see this vision through.

This new platform has a number of benefits. It can reduce test anxiety since the examinee is in a familiar environment, it allows testing during non-traditional hours, and allows you to test from anywhere in this beautiful state. From the swamp to the beaches, all you need is an internet connection and within minutes the exam is under way. Now if you ever wondered what its like to test at home, All Pesticide Exams are Available For At Home Testing!


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Additional Links

UF/IFAS Pesticide Exam Webiste –

How To Get a Voucher-

How To Schedule an Exam –





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Posted: August 1, 2022

Category: Agriculture, Blog Community, HOME LANDSCAPES, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Brett Bultemeier, Online Testing, Pesticide Exams, Pesticide Information Office