New Featured Creatures! European honey bee. By: Mortensen, Schmehl, and Ellis

Photograph by Ashley N. Mortensen, Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida.

We are pleased to announce a new Featured Creatures on the occasional pest – European honey bee!

In the United States, “European” honey bees represent a complex of several interbreeding European subspecies. Public interest and participation in honey bee management (beekeeping) has increased since 2006 when the acute disappearance of worker bees from a colony was described as colony collapse disorder (CCD). Since that time, worldwide research efforts have focused on improving colony health and management techniques, and identifying possible causes of colony collapse disorder
Authors: Ashley N. Mortensen, Daniel R. Schmehl, Jamie Ellis, Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida
Thanks to Dr. Jennifer Gillett-Kaufman ( ) for her submission of this UF-IFAS Featured Creatures Publication!

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Posted: August 13, 2013

Tags: Featured Creatures, Pest Alert

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