The First Report of the Horntail Snail, Macrochlamys indica Benson, in Florida

In early August, some horntail snails, Macrochlamys indica Benson, were collected from Miami-Dade County, Florida.

The horntail snail, Macrochlamys indica, with some diagnostic characters. Photo credit; Elijah J. Talamas, FDACS-DPI.

The horntail snail (HTS) is considered a high-risk pest in India, where it causes damage to beans, lettuce, chrysanthemum, cucurbits, and several other plants. The injuries caused by this snail can be serious, especially, in seedlings.

For more information about the horntail snails, check out the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Plant Industry’s (FDACS-DPI) Pest Alert publication, as we as this article.

If you suspect you have found the horntail snail or you have questions and concerns, please contact the Division of Plant Industry at or 1-888-397-1517.

Additionally, you could use the online form, and follow the instructions provided by FDACS-DPI to submit the specimen for identification.



Posted: August 27, 2020

Category: Pests & Disease

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