Bugs & Shrubs Buzz: Spanish ‘RoundUp’ class; citrus; poisonous fruit alert

1/ March 28, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. For Spanish employees of commercial landscape maintenance companies: Required 6 hour Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance “Roundup” Pesticide Class CEUs & Exam. Cost: $20

Where: UF|IFAS Collier County Extension Office at 14700 Immokalee Rd.

Register here:

You may need to copy & then paste this on-line address above into your search engine to open it.
if problem with Event Brite, CALL TO REGISTER
At least 3 DAYS
BEFORE THE CLASS: Call Peggy at 252-4800
$ CLASS COST: $20, IF problem with Event Brite, then make a check payable to B.C.C. & mail to
UF|IFAS Extension office
14700 Immokalee Rd.
Naples. Fl 34120

A licensing class/exam for commercial landscape maintenance employees who need to apply pesticides in landscape beds. It is commonly known as the “Round-Up” certificate. This category is not for turf applications.
Instructor: Cesar Asuaje 561-233-1727 or 561-339-7931

EXAM COST: For those taking the Exam: Bring a check for $150 (made out to D.A.C.S.), and a completed D.A.C.S. 13604 application form, along with picture ID


Please contact the Pesticide Control Office at (850-617-7997) for an application
packet. We can also help you with this at the Extension office.

You may take the 80 question, multiple-choice test (only offered in English) the day of this training or within a year ($150 each time) after this class. You will need to take the 6 hours over again if you wait more than a year.

Lunch is NOT provided, bring a sack lunch or there are lunch locations nearby.

CEUs: 3 Private Applicator Ag; 3 Core (482 & 487) and 3 O&T & 3 LCLM & 3 LL&O & 3 CPCO L&O CEUs and Fertilizer BMP CEUs.

On-line study help in Spanish by Cesar Asuaje is here:

Sign up for Dr. Zekri’s class March 23, at the UF|IFAS Collier County Extension Office, 14700 Immokalee Rd., Naples 34120.
Register here:

Internationally acclaimed University of Florida -IFAS, citrus expert, Dr. Mongi Zekri, will cover OLD AND NEW citrus varieties, planting, fertilizing, and management of citrus greening and other pests.
Dr. Zekri will bring some door prizes, a couple of books, 3 hand lenses, and 3 UF-IFAS key chains. Depending on turnout, we may have a couple of young trees ( Eureka lemon and/or Persian (Tahiti) lime) to raffle.

Cost is $5.

Free to active Master Gardeners and Conservancy staff and volunteers. Please register on the B-list with us (Peggy- 252-4800).

This shrub is probably most known for its ‘Gold Mound’ variety that is popular because of its, well, contrasting yellow foliage! They often don’t last more than 5 years. The pretty purple flowers yield a golden poisonous berry that contains saponin. Which has reportedly caused illness and death of children in Queensland. Symptoms of poisoning include sleepiness, fever and convulsions (Guide to the Poisonous and Irritant Plants of Florida. 1980. K. D. Perkins and W. W. Payne. And Ornamental Plants with Poisonous Properties. 1958. Fl. State Hort. Soc. Proc. 372-380). Because these fruit are considered an attractive nuisance, especially when young children are likely to encounter them, we had the shrubs removes at a nearby public facility!

Doug Caldwell, Ph.D. AKA, “Dr. Dougbug” Doug is the Commercial Landscape Horticulture Extension Educator and landscape entomologist with UF|IFAS (University of Florida| Institute of Food and Agriculture) Extension Collier County.


Posted: March 11, 2019

Category: HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, Pests & Disease
Tags: Collier County Extension, Pesticide Class