RoundUp Training August 14 at Collier Co. Extension Office


COST: Class costs $10


WHO: Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Class and Exam The required 6 hour licensing class/ exam, coordinated by Doug Caldwell, for commercial landscape maintenance employees , who need to apply pesticides in landscape beds. This is commonly known as the “Round-Up” certificate. This category is not for turf applications.
WHEN: Friday, August 14, 2015 from 8:00 am to 5:00 PM WHAT: For those taking the Limited Category Exam: bring a check for $150 (made out to D.A.C.S.), and a completed DACS 13604 application form, along with a (1 ½ x 1 ½ inch) photograph.

  • Please contact the Bureau of Entomology and Pest Control at (850-617-7997) for an application packet. We can also help you with this at the Extension office.
  • Lunch is not provided, bring a sack lunch or there are lunch locations nearby.
  • CEU’s: 3 each of (6 MAX.): Core; Private Applicator; O&T, LCLM, LL&O

You may take the 80 question, multiple choice test (only offered in English) the day of this training or within a year ($150 each time) after this class. You will need to take the 6 hours over again if you wait more than a year.


7:30 to 7:55 Come early to have your paperwork checked.

  • 8:00 to 8:50: 1 CORE CEU. Licensing Requirements, Renewing with CEU’s & Enforcement. Larry Mitchell, DACS Environmental Field Specialist
  • 9:00 to 9:50: 1 CORE CEU. Safety Issues-Protecting the Applicator, Protecting the Environment. Larry Mitchell
  • 10:00 to 10:50: 1 Category CEU. Principles of Weed Management and Common Weed ID. Ralph Mitchell, UF/IFAS Charlotte Co. Extension Director
  • 11:00 to11:50: 1 Category CEU. Principles of Insect Management and IPM. Doug Caldwell

12:00 to 12:30: LUNCH on your own–no lunch will be provided

  • 12:30 to 1:30: 1 Category CEU. Common Woody Ornamental Plant Diseases- Trees, shrubs and palms. Doug Caldwell
  • 1:40 to 2:30: 1 CORE CEU. Interpreting Labels & Review for the Exam. Doug Caldwell
  • 2:40 to 4:40 Exam: Limited Commercial Landscape Certificate test. Test is optional.



Posted: July 27, 2015

Category: , Pests & Disease
Tags: Landscape, Pesticide Applicator, Pesticide Certificate, Roundup, Training