Florida Whitefly Training

Photo source: http://flwhitefly.org/

Are you interested in the latest whitefly information in Florida?

Whiteflies are expanding as a critical pest ornamental pest in many parts of Florida.

A Polycom video-conferenced in-service training for University of Florida county horticultural and entomology faculty will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2013 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, Eastern Daylight Time.

The agenda will include whitefly information on the species currently of most concern; management recommendations for landscape and nursery; updates on important research being conducted related to these pests; a review of available resources including the FLWHITEFLY website; a case study of the Palm Beach Whitefly Working Group experience; and the perspective of FDACS, including issues in box store garden centers. Pesticide applicator and FNGLA CEUs will also be available.

To participate, University of Florida county faculty need to:

  • When you register, your “Selected sessions” window will have a field on the far right side of the workshop title for your IP address. Be sure to fill that in before you select the “submit to DED” button so we can include that in our Polycom bridge request.

Faculty needing additional information may contact any of the following:

Eileen Buss, PhD eabuss@ufl.edu

Catharine Mannion, PhD cmannion@ufl.edu

Lance Osborne, PhD lsosborn@ufl.edu

Bill Schall wls@ufl.edu or bschall@pbcgov.org

Thanks to Bill Schall for providing this information to UF Pest Alert!


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Posted: March 1, 2013

Category: AGRICULTURE, HOME LANDSCAPES, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Pest Alert, Whiteflies