Upcoming ServSafe class on 3/23/22

The ServSafe Manager’s class and exam session will be offered again in Pasco County at our Dade City office.  ServSafe is the national food safety certification for those working, or planning to work, in the food industry.  The class/exam date is coming up soon: Wednesday, March 23rd from 8:30am to 4:30pm.  The exam is based off of the 7th edition textbook, which came out in 2017, and is highly recommended for studying the most current food code information.

The class and exam will be held at the Pasco County Extension Office, located at 36702 State Road 52, Dade City, FL 33525.  Price varies depending on whether or not you need to purchase the book, which needs three to five business days to arrive; overnight shipping is an option and will cost more, so please plan ahead and purchase your book early so you can start studying.  Another option: borrow a coworker’s 7th edition book.  For those who don’t pass the first time, there is the option to purchase a retest as well.  Please see the Event Brite posting to reserve your ticket and for more information about pricing: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dade-city-pasco-county-fl-servsafe-managers-class-and-exam-tickets-264444940937

For lunch, you may use the refrigerator and microwave, or plan to purchase a lunch in the vicinity during the lunch break.

Please make sure you study leading up to March 23rd class.  The first part of the class is meant to be a review of the material.  You should be very comfortable with the ServSafe material by the test date to ensure a high exam score.  The class will also review quizzes and chances to clarify any questions you might have.

Once you pass, your certification is good for 5 years.

If you have any questions, please contact Shari, the instructor and exam proctor, at 352-518-0156 X5343 or email Sbresin@ufl.edu.


Shari Bresin, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent for Pasco County Extension
Posted: March 7, 2022

Category: Food Safety, Work & Life
Tags: Food Safety, ServSafe, Training

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