On Tuesday, the 20th of June, the Pasco County Board of Commissioners passed the first county Urban Agriculture Ordinance in the State of Florida. With this leap forward, the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension, Community Gardens (CG) Program is able to develop new community gardens on land owned by Pasco County. Consequently, the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension CG program will be able to develop a 2-3 acre urban agriculture/community garden at Moore-Mickens Educational and Vocational Center, after the Moore-Mickens Educational and Vocational Center non-profit signed a 35-year lease with the Pasco County School Board. The UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension office will be adding onto the lease with a 2-year contract to use the land to farm. The large community garden will be able to provide food to the local low-income families, whom over time are desired to step into volunteer and leadership roles at the garden. With goals, such as, to build a high tunnel (or passively heated greenhouse) for alternative in ground hydroponic growing methods, the future of Moore-Mickens Community Farm is bright.
E. Santiago-Gomez
Posted: June 23, 2017
Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Community Garden, Extension, Moore Michen, Ordinance, Pasco, Urban Agriculture