Are you ready to make bank with your baking? Florida Cottage Food Law was just revised, expanding options for food entrepreneurs. Concurrently, new State laws for home-based businesses were also revised, making further allowances for at-home enterprises.
Cottage Foods are low-risk foods that you are allowed to make at home and sell without Food Permits. Some examples of cottage foods are cookies, breads, cereals, and jellies. A Cottage Food Operation is one of the simplest types of food businesses to create. As of July 1, 2021, the yearly sales limits for Cottage Food Operations increased to $250,000, significantly increasing their potential profits. Additionally, cottage foods are now allowed to be sold online and shipped, which is another major change that can increase sales for Cottage Food Operations.
The regulation of Cottage Food Operations now falls to the State, preventing local government ordinances from prohibiting the preparation, processing, storage or sale of cottage food products. In fact, the new laws now provide standards for all home-based businesses. If businesses meet the State standards, local government is limited from treating home-based businesses differently than other businesses.
Learn the details about these exciting new changes at “Starting Your Own Cottage Food Business” classes now being offered online and in-person by the University of Florida IFAS Extension in Osceola County. These events will answer the following questions: What foods are cottage foods? Where can cottage foods be sold? What local regulations do I have to follow? How do I plan for a successful food business?
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