Algae blooms have received significant attention in the media — and for good reason. These blooms cause serious environmental harm to water, wildlife, and ecosystem health. Plants, fish, and other animals can die. For some of Florida’s most important industries (fishing, boating, tourism, etc.), this leads to economic hardship. In addition, algae can produce toxins that impact human health. Earlier this month, the Blue-Green Algae Task Force released a report with science-based recommendations to help restore and protect Florida’s water bodies affected by algal blooms.

The term “algae” is given to a diverse group of organisms that live in water. One type of algae, “blue-green algae” (also known as cyanobacteria) is commonly found in freshwater lakes around Florida. However, under certain conditions this algae can grow quickly and span the entire surface of lakes. How do algae grow? Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus “feed” the algae, causing it to spread rapidly. When there is an excess amount of nutrients in a water body, large blooms occur that become nearly impossible to control.
Where do excess nutrients come from? Nutrients get into our water in a variety of ways and from numerous sources. To reduce the amount of nutrients that get into our water, we all need to come together to find solutions. That is exactly what the Blue-Green Algae Task Force was tasked to do. The task force identified areas for improvement and following the release of their report, Governor DeSantis announced some state-wide changes to address several of the task force’s recommendations. While the state addresses these larger concerns, there are small things we all can do to help improve water quality and reduce algal blooms.
Do you have a septic tank?
Nearly one-third of the wastewater generated in Florida is treated by septic systems. Unfortunately, many of these systems don’t properly treat wastewater and release nutrients into our groundwater and surface waters. If you have a septic tank, have it inspected to ensure it is functioning properly and not contributing to pollution.
Do you use lawn and garden chemicals?
Use fertilizer and herbicide appropriately and only when needed. Follow Florida Friendly Landscaping ™ Principles to minimize the impact of your lawn and garden on our water. These principles include: Right Plant Right Place, Water Efficiently, Fertilize Appropriately, Use Mulch, Attract Wildlife, Manage Yard Pests Responsibly, Recycle, Reduce Stormwater Runoff, and Protect the Waterfront.
Do you live near a stormwater pond?
Stormwater ponds play an important role in treating runoff water that has collected pollutants throughout our neighborhood. Are there plants on the banks of your pond? Plants filter nutrients from water and can act as a buffer between the pond and our lawns, roads, or sidewalks. If there are plants, be sure to not remove them or mow them down. If you live along a pond, leave a 10 foot buffer between the pond and where you use fertilizer or herbicide.
To learn more about algal blooms, visit: Harmful Algal Blooms: Red Tide vs. Blue-green Algae
February 2, 2022
We have many cold hardy plants for zone 9b. The Florida Friendly Program has an excellent website with a great data base Also, is all depends what type of plants you need. Do you need shrubs, ground covers, trees, etc?
February 1, 2022
What are some cold hardy, full sun, flowering plants for zone 9b?
March 8, 2021
Great information. As a beekeeper, I think it's important for people to understand what a swarm is, and how peaceful they usually are, and not to panic, but wait for them to move on. They usually do. Thanks!
February 22, 2021
Hello! The event takes place at Peghorn Park on February 27th from 10am - 12pm. I've provided more information below. Feel free to share with friends and family! When: Saturday, February 27th 10am-12pm. Where: Trailhead Center @ 2101 Peghorn Way, St. Cloud, FL 33769 What: Volunteers will be pulling and bagging invasive plants. What to bring: Long sleeves, long pants, closed toed shoes, sunscreen and a water bottle For more info please contact: Gabriel Almonte - Gloves and garbage bags will be provided by the event coordinator
February 22, 2021
I was on a zoom meeting for Invasive plant species hosted by UF/IFAS today and they spoke about a volunteer event at Peghorn Park in St. Cloud, Florida on Saturday, February 27th, I think. Can you tell me more about this work event and how I can sign up to participate? I really want to be part of this because I did similar work for King County when I lived in Washington state near Seattle. I also want more information about a Downtown Kissimmee work day where I would like to help as well. Thank you
February 8, 2021
There are not a lot of information out there on CitraBlue as yet. You can call me at 321-697-3014 and I will try to answer all your questions.
February 8, 2021
I am also considering replacing the sod in my yard with CitraBlue and was for looking for any references..
January 27, 2021
No, we are still doing trials to confirm that CitraBlue is an option for mosaic virus. Palmetto St. Augustine is the only replacement.
January 27, 2021
Is Citra Blue a good option for a Mosaic lawn replacement?
January 20, 2021
Sent pics to your email. Thank You so much
January 19, 2021
CitraBlue can definitely go off color from freezing temperatures; however, I wouldn’t expect it to go completely brown in Lake County. The lawn is more susceptible to cold since it was a recent planting before first freezing temperatures. Hopefully it got rooted and you have continued with frequent water since it is a young install. Could you please send some pictures to email my email at I spoke with the CitraBlue breeder and he finds it strange, he would like to see some pictures to determine if he should make a site visit.
January 19, 2021
Hi Mr. Rickitts, we just put in citra blue early oct. Here in north lake county fl. We have been getting frost since Nov our lawn went from beautiful blue green color to brown . Should the citra recover in spring? Thank You for your time Lindsay
January 19, 2021
Weed and Feed has the herbicide Atrazine that was formulated for St. Augustine grass and not Bahia. Use a product that has 2,4 D in it.
December 16, 2020
I don’t understand why when I fertilize our lawn with a weed fertilizer it kills all the Bahia. Now we have bare spots where grass should be.
December 14, 2020
Andre, I had to replace my ProVista, it was totally killed by Take All Root Rot disease. Please send me a picture of your lawn at
December 14, 2020
Have you fixed you Provista mine is brown from the first days has been 7 weeks and don’t know what to do
November 2, 2020
Karen, Can you please send me a picture of the weed to and I will give you a solution.
November 1, 2020
I've been fighting this in central FL by hand weeding. Best technique I found is follow the plant to the root, grasp the little knob at the soil (finger and thumb) and just firmly enough not to break it, pull, rocking sideways until it loosens and comes out. Almost always the whole root will come out. It's harder the dryer the soil. This IS really time consuming and I can't say I'm winning but working against me is the fact that I leave for six months in the summer so I clear it in the off season. My lawn service doesn't seem to touch it. And after talking to their lead technician, he says there are LOTS of chemicals they are not allowed to use (EPA) that homeowners can use. I'm researching. Still figuring out what to try.
September 6, 2020
CitraBlue Available at following locations Bay Breeze Ruskin Bayside Sod Parrish Bethel Farms Arcadia Council growers Wima JW Turf Okeechobee King Ranch Belle Glade McCall Sod Southport R.B. Farms Lake Placid Star Farms Belle Glade Sebring Tater Farms Hastings Travis Resmondo, Dundee Woerner Agri-Business Gulf Kist, Vero Beach Woerner Companies, Bronson
August 30, 2020
Is this available online anywhere?
August 10, 2020
ProVista St Augustinegrass is located at the following locations. Cherie Velez Bethel Farms (863) 441-0819 | Arcadia, FL Evan Stobbs Bayside (941) 702-1746 | Sarasota, FL Travis Council Council (813) 633-8665 | Wimauma, FL Chris Leffler Duda (321) 757-7455 | Melbourne, FL Fred Taylor The Loving Group (239) 777-8341 | Bamberg, SC Paul Grose King Ranch (561) 996-7257 | Belle Glade, FL Tommy Gardner Lake Jem Farms (352) 383-7196 | Mt. Dora, FL Laura O’Connor Tater Farms (904) 460-4634 | Hastings, FL
August 10, 2020
ProVista St Augustinegrass is located at the following locations. Cherie Velez Bethel Farms (863) 441-0819 | Arcadia, FL Evan Stobbs Bayside (941) 702-1746 | Sarasota, FL Travis Council Council (813) 633-8665 | Wimauma, FL Chris Leffler Duda (321) 757-7455 | Melbourne, FL Fred Taylor The Loving Group (239) 777-8341 | Bamberg, SC Paul Grose King Ranch (561) 996-7257 | Belle Glade, FL Tommy Gardner Lake Jem Farms (352) 383-7196 | Mt. Dora, FL Laura O’Connor Tater Farms (904) 460-4634 | Hastings, FL
August 8, 2020
I too am interested in ProVista as the earlier post states. My location is Daphne, AL and I currently have Centipede and Bitter Blue St. Augustine. Thank you sir for any and much appreciated help in purchasing ProVista.
July 29, 2020
Where are you located? I am waiting a on Scott Company to give me a list of farm where ProVista is available.
July 29, 2020
When & where is ProVista available & does it come in seed form? Do you have anything on cost?
July 29, 2020
I am waiting on Sod Solution to send me a list of growers who are selling CitraBlue.
July 27, 2020
Where can I purchase CitraBlue sod in the Tampa area? Sod Solutions said that Council Growers sells it. When I called Council Growers last week, they said that they do not have it.
July 25, 2020
We had ProVista installed over a month ago. We live in Lakeland, FL. Have watered it every day since install because we have not had much rain in our area. It’s not looking good at all. We were about to order St Augustine grass when Superior spray service told us about Pro Vista how much hardier it was. We need help in guiding us what to do. We bought 5 pallets which was more expensive per pallet not to mention 100sq ft less per pallet. There is a lot of brown spots all over. We appreciate any guidance you can give us. Thank you, William & Sonia Fernandez
June 25, 2020
Sounds like Spanish needle - usually 5 white petals, yellow center, gets tall. Pulling works if you get the roots and prevent seeding.
June 24, 2020
Sorry to hear that you get CitraBlue. I spoke with Sod Solution and what we agreed on is that CitraBlue will not take over Florotam and he said it that if should happen it might take 10 years. Citrablue grows faster along the ground (horizontal) while Florotam grows faster vertical (requires less cutting). This is the best answer.
June 24, 2020
Sadly I can’t get citrablue sod in my area, none of the sod companies seem to be aware of it :(. BTW the folks at Sod Solutions said the citra blue is more aggressive might want to educate them.
June 23, 2020
The CitrBlue will not suppress the Florotam because the Florotam is more aggressive than the CitraBlue. Use a weed killer to get rid of the Floratom and establish the CitraBlue. It is less expensive to use sod than plugs.
June 19, 2020
Will citrablue plugs take over a weak floratam lawn? The house we just moved into has a poorly cared for and spotty floratam lawn in a fairly shaded environment. If I plug with citrablue and maintain it properly will it over take the floratam?
June 11, 2020
Thanks a lot for the post.Thanks Again. Really Great.
June 9, 2020
Not that I know. Also, I do not recommend the tree here in Central Florida unless you have a big property. The tree's root system is very aggressive and can damage the house structure and underground utilities.
June 8, 2020
ProVista has most of the characteristics of Florotam except it grows slower and you can use glyphosate(roundup). CitraBlue use less water than ProVista,and stay bluish green even during drought. Citrablue has less disease problems than ProVista bit grow faster than ProVista. In my front yard I have CitraBlue, ProVista and Florotam. The ProVista is dying from take all root rot while Citra blue is barely affect. I cannot say everything in this text, I can be reached at 404-502-9155 if you need more specific information.
June 8, 2020
How does CitraBlue compare to Provista?
June 4, 2020
Hello. Where can I buy a Flamboyant tree in Osceola? Thanks.
March 26, 2020
Steve,the only way to get rid of the weed without chemical is to pull by hand.
March 26, 2020
CitraBlue is at H&H Sod in St Cloud
March 26, 2020
CitraBlue is at H&H Sod in St Cloud
March 26, 2020
There is no research with CitraBlue and SUGAR CANE MOSAIC so we do not know. We will be having a webinar on SUGAR CANE MOSAIC on April 2, let me know if you are interested.
March 26, 2020
CitraBlue is a great grass, I have it in my front yard, it use less water and fertilizer. Also do well in partial shade
March 26, 2020
CitraBlue is at H&H sod in St Cloud
March 26, 2020
CitraBlue does well in shade although I do not know the amount of sunlight the area receives. What is the pH?
March 18, 2020
Since it is 2020, hoping to find some CitraBlue... have you heard if yet available and where?
February 9, 2020
i'm considering a re-sodding my entire yard. i have numerous oak trees and thus have limited daily light. Additionally, the trees drop alot of leaves resulting in a soil ph thats on the low side of neutral, i plan to apply lime prior to re-sodding. Anyhow, i'm considering CitraBlue versus Palmetto versus Classic/Old St Augustine for the project. I was wondering what you would recommend, I have about 8000 sq ft. i'm also planning applying multiple applications of roundup to kill off the current grass which has a lot of weeds and bermuda mixed in with the floratam.
January 22, 2020
May be the best thing to do is get get a reasonable lawn service to control the weeds.
January 18, 2020
I have "beggar weeds" in my yard but not this one. I call them stick tights. The main one that is such a problem with my dog is the ones with two legs that grab you and the rest is just a slim stick or rod that's hard to get out of hair. Don't know the name. I try to get someone to pull up the plant when the flowers or one without dropping the "seeds", but it's hard to get anyone to work in the yard since I can't do it anymore.
January 1, 2020
I have a St. Augustine lawn, which has been invaded by this weed. How do I get rid of it without using herbicides. If I could find the main taproot, I could dig it and/or use a torch to kill it. This is one of the toughest weeds I have ever seen. Thank you.
December 6, 2019
Sorry, I just saw your post. The Citrablue will not take over the lawn. You can plant the plugs about 8 to 12 inches apart.
December 6, 2019
Sounds great....I have been following the UF/IFAS for years. Is this variety resistant to SUGAR CANE MOSAIC, like BITTER BLUE?
December 4, 2019
Yes, we do. Please contact the office at 321-697-3000 for more information.
November 3, 2019
Do you have any vendor sites available?
August 17, 2019
We reside in a community in southwest Florida (Bonita) that is having a very difficult time maintaining its Zoysia grass. The community plans to replace diseased Zoysia throughout the community in October 2019 with more Zoysia. Would Citrablue be a reasonable alternative and would it fill into and eventually replace the existing Zoysia?
July 11, 2019
Thank you Mr. Ricketts. This is great news. By the way, if I plant Citrablue plugs on my existing St. Augustine lawn which is not doing well, will CitraBlue eventually take over? How close should the plugs be to make this happen? Or do I need to remove the existing lawn?
June 28, 2019
still sharing
June 27, 2019
thanks for sharing
June 20, 2019
very nice
June 1, 2019
Impervious landscapes are a problem. Too many folks purchase a site and begin thinking about how nice it would be to have bigger drives, more patio, etc. We need to focus more on where the water is going from our hardscapes.
May 24, 2019
CitraBlue requires less water but I cannot say how much. I have a strip of Citrablue in my yard among Floratam and it stays green during times of drought when floratam gets brown. I will ask the breeder for specific information on water requirement.
May 24, 2019
CitraBlue will not be available until 2020
May 24, 2019
Good morning Grant & fellow readers! The information is very exciting as well as good. What about drought tolerance? I understand that it is better than other SAF cultivars. Is there any information on the approximate amount of water it will require at the peak time of the year? Most SAF cultivars normally require around 1.35"+/- of water per week, but that will depend on the cultivar requirements, surrounding microclimate, and irrigation water application uniformity. Any information will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, keep up the good work.
May 3, 2019
One of our offices is by the bay, and we almost make it a requirement that employees eat outside next to the water for lunch everyday (assuming the weather is nice). We have a couple picnic tables underneath a large tree, so it's comfortable during the hot days and has a nice breeze. Personally, I think it has a strong impact in helpubg to de-stress our employees. Between the fresh air and the views, how could it not! :) :)
May 2, 2019
Nancy, Any tree with large root system will damage sidewalk. Yes, sweetgum will damage sidewalk. We have Sycamore tree, Bald Cypress, maples,Magnolias, Elms, loquat and many more.
April 30, 2019
CitraBlue will not be available until early next year.
April 29, 2019
Anyone have an idea when citra blue will be available? I'm a comm. landscaper I called king ranch but they didn't answer and i got busy
April 27, 2019
I have two sweet gum trees in our yard and hear very little good about them. Any thoughts? if left will they do damage to sidewalks and foundation because of their root system? Also is there any other tree than oak that you would recommend for a yard tree. We live on a high white sand ridge with great drainage. There use to be sand pines surrounding and in our yard but the beetle took care of them several years ago.
April 7, 2019
Hi, where i can get the citrablue?
February 15, 2019
If you are a plant vendor you need to have a nursery license. What you will like to sell at the festival?
February 12, 2019
Hi If I want to be a vendor what are the main conditions ?
February 6, 2019
You are welcome Mr. Dandrade, if you want to learn more about our program and upcoming classes please visit our website at For more information about the SHIP Program in Osceola County please visit Regards, Johanna
February 6, 2019
Good afternoon Julie: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at We also offer classes at night they are divided in two sessions of 4 hours each class. Regards, Johanna
February 6, 2019
Thanks for your interest in our program. Please visit our website for upcoming classes at
January 30, 2019
Hi Jeff! I'll be giving a similar talk at the Feb. 26th NISAW Workshop for Big Scrub CISMA in Tavares. More info here: I can also add you to our newsletter list if you aren't already subscribed. Thanks for coming to the workshop!
January 30, 2019
Krista, I wanted to tell you again that I enjoyed your presentation on the Herbicide mixing math at the CISMA workshop yesterday. Are you participating in any other upcoming workshops?
January 27, 2019
Never knew this, regards for letting me know.
January 24, 2019
Hi Krista, Thanks for pointing this out, especially in these times of government shutdown. Next month, I will be hiking with a group in the Disney Wilderness Preserve and I will make sure my group is aware, leaves no trace, and more importantly, lends a helping hand!
January 2, 2019
Hector, I am not sure if is a good idea to replant the tree in another area. Send me a picture to give you a more accurate advise, my email is or call us at 321-697-3000.
January 2, 2019
Nancy, Black Spots are very common problem on Roses. The number one suggestion is avoid over head irrigation and pick up affected leaves from the floor. Another suggestion is to plant cultivars that are resistant to the fungus. Here is a link for more information If you have any other question you can contact us at 321-697-3000
January 2, 2019
Steven, Are you in Osceola County? Most of our soils are not acid enough but a lot of people have been able to grow Blueberries here. Here is a great publication about blueberries in Florida If you have any other question call us at 321-697-3000
November 28, 2018
Debbie, I am so sorry I just saw your question. Please give me a call at 321-697-3014 to discuss your grass issue.
November 14, 2018
Hello Johanna, Are there any upcoming classes for first time home buyers? Anything in 2018 or early 2019? Thank you!
November 12, 2018
Blueberry help. I am a new homeowner and would like my back yard to be a fruitful area, not a grassy one. It measures 60'x60'. I grew up in the north with apple and cherry trees (and sugar maple) that were all fun to harvest from. Our berries were; blue, black, and ras. I'm thinking I should be able to do the berries here if I get the right varieties but I'm concerned about soil acidity, mulching, irrigation (and I'm sure pests). For the trees I'm totally open to anything as long as it gives back. What do you think?
October 15, 2018
Hi when is the next home of your own class? Are there any 2 night classes in English?
October 3, 2018
That is a great idea! Glad you found the information helpful!
September 21, 2018
Hey Gaby! Thanks for the information! I am going to buy a gallon of water at the grocery store and make it my container.
August 25, 2018
Good afternoon, Mrs. Lisboa: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at For more information about the SHIP Program in Osceola County please visit Regards, Johanna
August 25, 2018
Good afternoon, Ms. Perez: Thanks for your interest in our in our program. At the moment we do not offer classes on Saturday but night classes are available, they are divided in two sessions and each class is four hours. Please visit our website for upcoming classes For more information about the SHIP Program in Osceola County please visit Regards, Johanna
August 25, 2018
Good afternoon, Ms LaToya: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at We do offer classes at night, they are divided in two session and 4 hours each class. For more information about the SHIP Program in Osceola County please visit Regards, Johanna
August 25, 2018
Good afternoon Charlene: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at Regards, Johanna
August 25, 2018
Good afternoon Sekaya: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at Regards, Johanna
August 25, 2018
Good afternoon Charlene: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at We also offer classes at night, they are divided in two sessions of 4 hours each class. Regards, Johanna
August 25, 2018
Buenas tardes Rosa: Gracias por su interes para el programa de primeros compradores de vivienda. Para acceso a nuestras clases por favor visite nuestra pagina en una vez seleccione la clase siga los pasos para poder completar la registracion. Saludos cordiales, Johanna
August 17, 2018
Hola buenas tarde Sr Ramirez estoy interesada en cojer las clases de primeros compradores. Me podria dar informacion cuando son las proxinas clases en español y donde puedo registrarme. Gracias.
August 15, 2018
Hello, I cannot get the form to print to send in a soil sample. Will the soil sample test be able to tell me if we have Chinch Bugs or Nematodes? We've had our front lawn of St. Augustine re-sod twice now in 3 years time. Tired of paying lawn care "maintenance co's" who just take your $ & Deliver nothing. We need to find out. We had a service who "sprayed" & Granular something every 10 weeks for over 3 years. This $ spent caused us to Need to sod twice in 3 years. Now another "Service" is saying they'll take care of it & Treat every other month. Their Reviews are not any better. Would appreciate a how to remedy & find out what exactly we need to do. Don't mind paying for any tests, just need to test for the right end results. Thank you. Debbie
August 10, 2018
Thank you so much!
August 10, 2018
Thank you for your post. This is excellent information. It is amazing and wonderful to visit your site. agricultural distribution center agricultural account management software
August 9, 2018
Hi Michelle! It's probable but currently there's no data to confirm the nutrient sources. I've heard some basic confusion over the types of algae so chose to focus this post on that aspect. If you haven't had the chance, check out questions #8-12 from this great article:. The author discusses solutions so we can better mitigate this issue in the future. Thanks for reading!
August 9, 2018
Okay, so the water releases from Lake Okeechobee have not “caused” the red tide. Is it probable that the nutrient rich water releases are feeding and exacerbating the red tide?
August 9, 2018
Hi Hal. It is wonderful that you are looking to incorporate G2G into your educational materials! I sent you an email, and look forward to hearing back. Thanks for reading!
August 9, 2018
Hi! Thanks for your comment! In that NCCOS 2006-2012 study, one nutrient source was found to be cyanobacteria decay, but specifically Trichodesmium decay, which is found in nutrient-poor ocean waters, not freshwater such as Lake Okeechobee. And as the study mentioned, the nutrient sources for red tide is multi and complex, making it difficult to draw a direct connection to any one source. If data for this year comes out, I will be sure to provide an update. Thanks for reading!
August 9, 2018
here is a link to an article that states exactly the opposite.
July 30, 2018
Good afternoon, Ms Hopkins: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at For more information about the SHIP Program please visit Regards, Johanna
July 24, 2018
Hello Krista: I work at DEP in Tallahassee in the BMAP group as an education coordinator in Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control . G2G is an area I am researching to better incorporate in our educational materials. Main reason is cost of small and even large communities don’t need to remove the old gray technology but incorporate a supplement green infrastructure to further remove nutrients and not just solids and turbidity. I would like to contact you. Hal Lunsford, DEP.
July 23, 2018
English class . Soonest class possible
July 23, 2018
I would like to attend class. I signed up last time but emergency came up. English asap
July 23, 2018
I’m not familiar with the microclimates and soils in your area, but I suspect that you are a bit far south to successfully grow muscadines, although they tend to be very adaptable. Contact your local Broward County Extension for more specific information on growing in your area: . If you could obtain suitable muscadine varieties at a local nursery, those can be planted at any time. If there was anyone actually producing some of the older (not trademarked) muscadine varieties in your area, you can start new vines from rooting cuttings in a pot of soil. Keep it moist and semi-shaded.
July 21, 2018
How is the best way to start growing grapes here in Hollywood
June 30, 2018
Good Morning, Are you still holding classes? And if so, when is the next class being held? Thanks!
June 22, 2018
Hello how you doing I want to take the class for the first time buyer but now I need to find out what I got to do to get my chip program appointment to see how much I qualify
June 12, 2018
I will like to attend a Down payment assistant class in English. Can you provide information and dates available.
June 11, 2018
Nice article, I just installed a barrel at my house a couple of weeks ago...It is always full! Thank you.
June 7, 2018
Great information. This is something all consumers need to know. There is a lot of information that is not completely true among honey sellers. Such as: What does "local" mean. Does "local" mean our country, state, county, particular groves, fields, house lot. One must ask when purchasing "local" honey.
June 7, 2018
I have been treating my roses for black spot with every method I know of. I purchased a product to treat in the ground and sprays. I pull off the affected leaves and remove them from the mulch, then spray. I can’t get anything to work. Any good ideas?
May 8, 2018
hello I'm interested on taking the class when is next enrollment.
May 3, 2018
Very informative post!
May 2, 2018
Thanks for your advice. I have emailed you the name of the plant.
May 1, 2018
April 25, 2018
In the center on my front lawn, a tree has fallen and has been removed, what seems like a new tree is now growing , can I remove it and replant it in another location? I am asking because I was given a Laurel Oak by your organization and wish to plant the baby oak where the other tree was.
April 17, 2018
Thanks for reading. No, I do have any recommendation of cougar because it is not an animal we encounter in our area.
April 17, 2018
I completely agree that you should contact a professional removal service if you encounter wildlife in your yard. My grandmother lives in Wyoming, and she once has a cougar take a nap on her porch. It really scared her, and she had her gun ready. Do you have any tips for keeping cougars away?
April 17, 2018
I’m interested in taking the class . Is there any Saturday classes offered?
April 16, 2018
Good day, I noticed that the Home buyers classes are only one day. Are they no night classes?
April 9, 2018
Thanks for your feedback on this topic. We appreciate you keep looking for upcoming blogs! Regards, Johanna
April 3, 2018
Hello Patricia: Thanks for reaching out. Our next class will be in June no dates has been set up as of yet. There is a one day class in Spanish on April 26th. Have a good afternoon!
March 27, 2018
Hi, When would be the next class if I can’t make it to April 12?
March 25, 2018
I'm impressed, I must say. Rarely do I come across a blog that's equally educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is something which not enough people are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I found this in my hunt for something relating to this.
March 21, 2018
Hello Ms. Sepulveda, thanks for your interest in our program. Where you able to register? Our upcoming classes registration website are as follows: Thanks for your interest in our program our next class in English is on Thursday, April 12 from 8:30am to 5:00pm. For registration please visit Class in Spanish is on Thursday, April 26, from 8:30 to 5:00pm For registration please visit
March 21, 2018
Thanks for your interest in our program our next class in English is on Thursday, April 12 from 8:30am to 5:00pm. For registration please visit Class in Spanish is on Thursday, April 26, from 8:30 to 5:00pm For registration please visit
March 21, 2018
Thanks for your interest in our program our next class in English is on Thursday, April 12 from 8:30am to 5:00pm. For registration please visit Class in Spanish is on Thursday, April 26, from 8:30 to 5:00pm For registration please visit
March 21, 2018
Thanks for your interest in our program our next class in English is on Thursday, April 12 from 8:30am to 5:00pm. For registration please visit Class in Spanish is on Thursday, April 26, from 8:30 to 5:00pm For registration please visit
March 21, 2018
Thanks for your interest in our program our next class in Spanish is on Thursday, April 26 from 8:30am to 5:00pm. For registration please visit
March 21, 2018
Thanks for your interest in our program our next class in English is on Thursday, April 12 from 8:30am to 5:00pm. For registration please visit
March 16, 2018
Hello, I am interested on taking the First Time Home Buyer and Down Payment Assistance class in Spanish. Would you please provide me the information for the next course. Thanks Nelson Acosta
March 12, 2018
Hello. Any idea when the next first time home owner assistance class may be taking place ?
March 9, 2018
Will there be more all day classes added in March preferably the week of March 26?
March 8, 2018
I can see the picture fine. But you can send me picture of your plants at and I will be happy to help you identifying the problem with your plants. Eva Pabon
March 8, 2018
If you will like more information about the program come to our information section. You can register here :
March 7, 2018
Hey I am so excited I found your blog, I really found you by error, while I was researching on Aol for something else, Anyways I am here now and would just like to say thanks a lot for a marvelous post and a all round entertaining blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to browse it all at the moment but I have saved it and also added your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read more, Please do keep up the superb job.
March 6, 2018
Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the images on this blog loading? I'm trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it's the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
February 28, 2018
Do you have space for the march 8 and 15 class?
February 21, 2018
Good afternoon, Felsy: Thanks for your interest in our first time homebuyer program. The link in the article will allow you to register. If you need further assistance please contact me at 321-697-3000 or email Regards!
February 21, 2018
Please I found a spot for tomorrow for a whole day class. I need to enroll.
February 15, 2018
Very interesting
February 5, 2018
Thank you so much for your support!
February 3, 2018
Felicidades amiga! Bien hecho. 4-H una experiencia para toda la vida.
February 2, 2018
Hello, I enjoy reading through your article. I wanted to write a little comment to support you.
May 12, 0201
Good afternoon, Ms. Rivera: Thanks for your interest in our program. For upcoming classes please visit our website at For more information about the SHIP Program in Osceola County please visit Regards, Johanna
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