All you need to Know about Your Lawn


You are invited to a free lawn workshop

All you need to Know about Your Lawn

Saturday, February 24, 2018

10:00 am – 11:30 pm

UF/IFAS Extension Osceola County, OHP

1921 Kissimmee Valley Lane, Kissimmee

Located at Bill Beck Blvd. & US 192

Participants will learn about soil testing, turf grass selection, fertilization, weed control, proper mowing practice, when and how to irrigate lawn, and lawn disease prevention and control.

Did you know that a healthy lawn serves many purposes? It has beneficial impact on the environment; it reduces dust, glare, noise & heat. Prevents erosion, it filters run off water, provides recreation area and increases home value.

Did you also know that establishing and maintaining an attractive lawn requires basic knowledge, time, effort, money and proper planning? When considering having a healthy lawn there are three things to consider: soil Preparation, planting and maintenance.

Soil preparation involves: Taking a soil sample, Cultivation or tillage (4-6 inches for new lawn), remove all debris (rocks, stumps, etc.) establish the proper grade to insure good drainage. Addition of top soil if needed, Fertilizer & lime (according to soil test results).

Planting may involve: Seeding-least expensive, Sodding-most expensive, Sprigging-most common in athletic field and golf course construction, and Plugging-setting individual sod pieces or plugs at measured intervals

Maintenance may include: fertilization, irrigation, mowing, core aeration and cultivation.

For more information on lawn and any other related horticulture topic, contact Grantly Ricketts at UF/IFAS Extension in Osceola County at 321-697-3000 or email at






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Posted: February 8, 2018

Category: Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, Turf, Water

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