Osceola County 4-H /FFA Market Animal Program

The Osceola County Fair is a great place to come out and support Osceola County 4-H and FFA members who raise and show market animals. The goal is for the members to raise a steer, hog, lamb, or goat to place at the top of their class at the fair to yield the best carcass for the consumer market. Osceola County students in 4-H and/or FFA programs work hard raising and competing with their market animals. The primary focus of the market animal program is to assist youth in building strong work ethics, critical thinking, financial management, and leadership skills while creating positive agricultural awareness at the same time. The 4-H Animal Science program allows member to save the money they earn from selling their market animal for various purposes, such as college, to buy a new car, or to put money away to help purchase their future market animals. If you are interested in showing your support, the Osceola County Fair is February 9-18th 2018. Anyone can be a buyer and below is some helpful information.

What the buyer can do with the meat once it has been processed.

  • Split it with family or friends.
  • Have a barbecue with friends or employees
  • Keep it for themselves and store in the freezer
  • Donate to a family or shelter

How to support 4-H and FFA without purchasing a market animal for consumption.

*Buy-back: If you are interested in donating to or helping support a 4-H or FFA member, but you do not want to keep the meat for personal consumption, you can participate in the buyback program. This allows your purchase price to be reduced to the market price of the animal.

*Add-Ons: If you are interested in supporting your local 4-H and FFA members without purchasing a market animal or having to spend a lot of money you can donate an add-on of any amount to one or multiple 4-H and FFA members.

Tax Deductibility

There are 2 types of buyers:

  1. Business (A business can use the purchase as a business write off, consult your tax preparer.)
  2. Private individual (An individual can use the purchase as a contribution write off, consult your tax preparer.)

If you can’t be present at the sale?

If the buyer cannot attend the auction, but wants to purchase an animal, you can place bids over the phone. Or you may make arrangements for a proxy-bidder.

Estimated amount of meat after the animal is processed.

Steer: 1200 lb. steer will yield 720 lbs. of carcass, result 430 lbs. usable meat

Hog: 250 lb. hog will yield 185 lbs. of carcass, result 65 lbs. useable meat

Lamb: 120 lb. lamb, will yield 72 lbs. of carcass, result is 48 lbs. of useable meat

Goat: 100lb. goat will yield 60 lbs. carcass, result in 40 lbs. of useable meat.

Sharing the cost of the market animal with another buyer.

If you are not interested in buying the entire market animal for consumption, you can find multiple (up to 4) buyers to split the cost and meat with. One person must do the bidding and if the bidder wins the purchase, the price may be divided between the multiple buyers.

What happens after the buyer purchases the market animal?

Once the market animal is purchased, it must be sent to the processors directly from the fair grounds. A trailer is not needed if you are interested in buying a market animal.

For future questions or information please contact Kissimmee Valley Livestock Show or visit www.osceolacounytfair.com


Posted: January 30, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Livestock
Tags: 4-H, Livestock, Market Animal Program