National 4-H Week: “I Love 4-H!”
The first week of October is the start of three very important events for Orange County 4-H. The biggest is National 4-H Week. During the first full week in October, we join 4-H members across the Unites States in celebrating more than 120 years of “Making the Best Better.” The theme for the 2023 celebration is “I Love 4-H.” Orange County residents can help us celebrate National 4-H Week by supporting two other special events that also begin this week – the Annual 4-H Poinsettia Sale and the Peanut Butter Challenge.
Annual 4-H Poinsettia Sale Fundraiser

The 4-H Poinsettia Sale brings back loyal customers each year who pre-order our floral quality plants for festive decorating and gift giving. We will be selling red potted plants with foil covers in three sizes (4.5”, 6.5” and 8”), pink and white in 6.5”, and the ever popular 12” mum bowls that combine showy red poinsettias with beautiful white mums. The mum bowls make excellent gifts for friends, co-workers, and family. For those who would like to offer some holiday cheer to seniors, we offer an option to donate one or more plants that our youth members will personally deliver to local senior centers.
All proceeds from the sale provide support to our 4-H members through financial assistance with project expenses, scholarships to events, awards and recognition, and providing educational programs. Our pre-sale begins on October 2nd and ends on November 6th. Pre-purchased plants will be available to pick up on December 1st and 2nd at the Extension Center. You can place your order in-person or visit our Eventbrite page.
Peanut Butter Challenge
Orange County 4-H clubs are joining UF/IFAS Extension in the effort to collect peanut butter to share with food pantries across the state. All peanut butter collected in Orange County stays here to benefit our residents in need. Our 4-H Clubs are competing to collect the most peanut butter. Last year, clubs collected 560 pounds of peanut butter, which translates into a lot of sandwiches! If you would like to contribute to this effort, please bring your donation to the Extension Center during the month of October.
Getting Involved in 4-H
We are always looking for adult volunteers who would like to share their knowledge and life experiences with the next generation. For more information on how to get involved, please email or call 407-254-9222.