Random Acts of Kindness Day

Many of us associate February with Valentines Day, but did you know that February 17th is “Random Acts of Kindness” Day?

What is a Random Act of Kindness? It is simply choosing to do something extra – whether it is big or small – to brighten another person’s day. The list of possibilities is endless, but if you are looking for inspiration, the The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Random Acts of Kindness Day 2023 site has plenty of ideas.

Showing kindness is at the heart of giving back through 4-H community service. Our 4-H clubs choose a service project that meets a recognized need in their community. It could involve helping people, animals, the environment, or maybe all of these. By participating in these efforts, kids realize that they can make a difference to improve the lives of others. In fact, a Tuft’s University study showed that 4-H youth are four times more likely to contribute to their communities than non-4-H youth.

Showing kindness not only benefits the recipient; it also contributes to the well-being of the person showing the act. In one study of both givers and receivers of support, there were measurable benefits to the health of the one doing the giving. For those that are suffering from depression, recent research from The Ohio State University indicates that participation in acts of kindness led to better patient outcomes than two other therapeutic interventions. It may just be that it really IS better to give than to receive!

If you are interested in learning about service opportunities through Orange County 4-H, please contact us at orange4h@ifas.ufl.edu or call (407) 254-9213.


Posted: January 31, 2023

Category: 4-H & Youth, Community Volunteers, WORK & LIFE
Tags: #kindnessmatters, #OC4H, #randomactsofkindness, 4-H, Ocextension, UF/IFAS Extension Orange County, Youth

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