Weather Resilient Fruit Production

Nov. 15, 2018, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. UF/IFAS Lake County Extension Center, 1951 Woodlea Rd., Tavares, FL

$25.00 per person includes lunch. Register online. Convenience fees apply for online registration

Protecting your fruit crop from weather is not just about frost protection any more. Variable winter chill hours, late spring frosts, heat, drought, and hurricanes may affect fruit production whether you are growing citrus, peaches, blueberries, or other fruit crops. Learn about climate outlook, weather forecasts, weather risks and mitigation, and where there are resources to help you weather the storm.


Florida Climate Outlook and Forecast – Dr. Clyde Fraisse

Good Local Forecasts—where to get and how to interpret – Dr. Young Gu Her

Weather Risks and Mitigation:

Cold—physiological response, lack of chill, extreme cold – Dr. Ali Sarkhosh

Heat and Drought – Made in the Shade—Helping Fruit Trees Withstand Florida Heat & Drought—Dr. Chris Vincent

Hurricanes/Storms – Dr. Jeff Williamson

Agricultural Water Policy Services and Cost Share Opportunities – Jim Fletcher (IFAS), Jody Lee (FDACS)


Posted: October 31, 2018

Category: AGRICULTURE, Events, Horticulture
Tags: Fruit Cold Protection, Fruit Drought Protection, Fruit Storm Protection

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