The Lowdown on Sedge in Turf

purple nutsedge

Sedges are annual or perennial grass-like plants. Sedge species may be found in a wide range of conditions, ranging from very wet to dry, and in many soil types. They can be very competitive with turf for water, nutrients and space.

The seed head is produced at the end of an aerial, erect stem. This three-sided stem is usually solitary and will be tufted with basal leaves. Root systems are fibrous, including species such as yellow and purple nutsedge, which produce rhizomes and tubers.

Purple nutsedge is a perennial with underground runners that continue from tuber to tuber, forming chains. Purple nutsedge produces a purple or reddish seedhead and has a boat-shaped leaf tip.

Yellow nutsedge is a perennial with underground runners that stop at tubers. Yellow nutsedge produces a yellow seedhead and the leaf tip is needle-shaped.

yellow purple nutsedge comparison
purple and yellow nutsedge comparison

Globe sedge is a perennial that forms a clump. Globe sedge has shiny leaves, a hard base, and seedheads shaped like globes.

Perennial (Green) kyllinga is a mat-forming perennial with reddish to purple rhizomes. Leaves and stems are dark green. The seedhead is simple: nearly round or oblong with three short leaves just below. Green kyllinga reproduces by seed and rhizomes and is found in low areas or where moisture is excessive.

Annual sedge is spread by seed. The seed forms in clusters of flat, greenish, sometimes glossy spikes up to 1 inch long.

Recommended herbicides for use in St. Augustinegrass

  • Pennant Magnum (S-metolachlor – yellow and annual)
  • Echelon* ( sulfentrazone+prodiamine – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)


  • Basagran (bentazone – yellow, annual, kyllinga)
  • Sedgehammer (halosulfuron – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga),
  • Image ( imazaquin – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)
  • Dismiss* (sulfentrazone – purple, yellow, annual, kyllinga)
  • Echelon* (sulfentrazone+prodiamine – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)
  • Certainty (sulfosulfuron -purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)

Recommended herbicides for use in Zoysiagrass

  • Pennant Magnum (S-metolachlor – yellow and annual)
  • Echelon* ( sulfentrazone+prodiamine – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)


  • 2,4-D+MCPP+ dicamba+MSMA (yellow and annual)
  • Basagran (bentazone – yellow, annual, kyllinga)
  • SquareOne ( carfentrazone+quinclorac – yellow)
  • Katana (flazasulfuron -purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga),
  • Sedgehammer (halosulfuron – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)
  • Image ( imazaquin – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)
  • Dismiss (sulfentrazone – purple, yellow, annual, kyllinga)
  • Dismiss South (sulfentrazone+imazethapyr – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga),
  • Echelon (sulfentrazone+prodiamine – purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)
  • Certainty (sulfosulfuron -purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)
  • Solitaire (sulfentrazone+quinclorac – annual and kyllinga),
  • Monument (trifloxysulfuron -purple, yellow, annual and kyllinga)

* Indicates intermediate safety use at reduced rate according to label. May cause temporary discoloration.

More information, photos of sedge and herbicide recommendations for Bermuda and bahia are here:



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Posted: September 28, 2018

Category: AGRICULTURE, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, Turf
Tags: Cflandscapes, Nutsedge, Sedge, Turf