Sustainable development goal 9 is to “build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable infrastructure and foster innovation” by 2030 or as it is shortened “industries, innovation, and infrastructure”1.
Besides that, the words “sustainable”, “innovation” and “resilient” are some of the key concepts that link this SDG strongly to One Health. Innovation involves creativity, and collaboration, in turn, has been suggested as one of the key aspects for promoting creativity.

Collaboration can also function as an enabling factor for many of the drivers playing a role in resilience. The main reason, being that expertise, knowledge, and resources (material, financial, time) are limited within any organization and/or group of people. Further, from a One Health perspective, a collaboration network is the materialization of the awareness that all components of a closed system are connected. It also involves the capacity of collating the information coming from these different areas and the capacity of considering all these elements when making decisions.
Collaboration through networks can assist to attain goals, covering all known angles for monitoring, prevention, and stewardship, and increasing the use efficiency of human capital and material resources. A network also facilitates the tailoring of context-specific solutions and the support of the stakeholders. A discussion paper of the International Transport Forum concluded that, despite the fact that the link

between collaboration in supply chains and their resilience is yet to be fully explored, the collaboration between members of a supply chain is critical for improving their performance and competitiveness 2. Collaboration cannot be important solely for creativity that drives innovation, but also to guide said innovation. The innovation path is fraught with unintended consequences. Listening to a broad array of voices increases the probability of these unintended consequences being recognized.
Think no further than, for example, the basis of the industrial revolution. Yes, the internal combustion engine and using coal and petroleum were unprecedented innovations that catapulted our society into a completely new era that was almost unimaginable up to that point. Now we are at a point at which we need to imagine something completely different, more respectful, resilient, and healthier for all on this planet.
COP27 just recently ended, and it is encouraging to see that three out of the seven facts and figures highlighted by the United Nations on the SDGs website are related to renewable energy. Innovation through a One Health lens can help humanity leap into a much more harmonious and healthier future.
By: Olga Muñoz PhD | Adjunct Assistant Professor
1. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Sustainable Development. Sustainable development goal 9. Published 2022.
2. Banomyong R. Collaboration in Supply Chain Management: A Resilience Perspective.; 2018.