This year’s Home Show, sponsored by the Building Industry Association of Okaloosa & Walton Counties (BIA), will include a seminar on what to do and not to do during the fall in our North Florida lawns, landscapes and gardens. The Home Show will be held Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22 at the Emerald Coast Convention Center on Okaloosa Island, located at 1250 Miracle Strip Parkway SE in Fort Walton Beach.

On Friday, October 21 at 3:30 p.m., I will provide a seminar titled Fall: North Florida’s Best Gardening Season. Fall should be our busiest gardening season in North Florida. It’s a more comfortable time to be outdoors. Many plants, such as strawberries and bulbing onions, only do well when planted during the cooler weather of fall. Fall planted trees and shrubs have a higher survival rate as compared to those planted in spring. Many nurseries have a better selection of trees during the cooler months. And, nurseries and garden centers could use your business this time of year.
Learn more about flowering annuals, perennials, bulbs, vegetables and herbs to plant during fall and why trees and shrubs are best planted in fall as well as what to do and not do in our lawns this time of year by attending this upcoming seminar. There will be time for questions following this seminar.
University of Florida Master Gardener Volunteers in Okaloosa County will staff a booth to help answer gardening questions throughout the entire Home Show.
The 2022 BIA Home Show hours are Friday 12 p.m.–5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
There is no cost to attend the Home Show and seminars are free.
Visit for more info on the 2022 BIA Home Show.