This month the Florida 4-H is having a Nature Poetry Contest, so we asked ourselves what is poetry and why is poetry important?
Poetry is a form of literature that brings forth imagination and perceptions of emotions and emotional responses through words and language arranged for its meaning and rhythm. For most poetry is a form of expression. Writing lets us express our feelings and thoughts while seeing the words on paper and reading it encourages us to focus and find meaning in our experiences. Poetry can have a positive impact on the social and emotional learnings and feelings of not only the writer but the reader as well. It can offer a new way of thinking or a new understanding about something in their life.
Writing a poem can be easy for some and more complicated for others. To understand how to write a poem you first need to learn how to identify a poem itself. Poetry can be identified by its interplay of words and rhythm. Words are strung together to form sounds, images, insight and ideas that might be too complex or even too abstract to describe. There are several different types of poems. Most common are, rhymed, epic, free verse, haiku, limerick and sonnets. There are also many elements that can go into writing a poem. Some of the main elements of a poem include voice, imagery, symbolism, rhythm, sound and structure. The theme of a poem can be styled in many different ways too. Poems can tell us a story, make us laugh, make us cry or make us ponder on life itself. Once you have chosen your subject matter you can begin to write and see where your imagination takes you. Also, choosing your style of poem is totally up to you and how you want your voice, emotions and words interpreted. Remember, writing your poem is all about your emotions, creativity and expression.
The Florida 4-H’s Nature Poetry Contest gives our youth a chance to focus on the nature around them and let their creativity and imagination take control. The only rule of the contest is that the youth write a poem about Florida’s nature and/or wildlife. So, here’s a call to all of creative writers ages 8-18, enter now!
The Okaloosa County winner will be featured in the Poetry Post Exhibit at the Emerald Coast Science Center and featured at the Okaloosa County Extension Office. All entries are automatically sent to Gainesville to be judged, the state winner will be announced at the Forest Ecology Contest in Gainesville. ALL ENTRIES DUE NO LATER THAN MARCH 1ST!
Florida 4-H Nature Poetry Contest: This is a chance for our members to demonstrate their creative writing talents! Members will compose and create their own poem about Florida’s natural world and anything that personally engages them with nature. all styles of poems are welcome. entries are due by March 1st. please contact Amy Leath for registration and more information!