The Greater Fort Walton Beach Camellia Society will conduct a Camellia Workshop to introduce the camellia to area residents. The workshop will be held 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Saturday, February 8 at the Okaloosa County Extension Annex located at 127 NW Hollywood Blvd. in Fort Walton Beach. There is no cost to attend.
In today’s article, Greater Fort Walton Beach Camellia Society member Joseph Jenus invites you to the 2020 camellia workshop.
I am sure you have noticed as you travel about Okaloosa County and the Panhandle of
Florida the vivid color displayed by blooming camellias. Unlike most outdoor flowering plants, camellias bloom when the plants are dormant during the months of October thru March.
Camellias come in many sizes and shapes. Some types are bushy and short, others may grow to fourteen feet or more in height. Size and shape are easily controlled with proper pruning. There are several thousand registered unique camellias (cultivars).
Examples popular in our area include Pink Perfection, Professor Sargent and Debutante. Flowers range in size from 1.5 inches to 6 inches in diameter. Flower forms include singles, doubles, rose, etc. Camellias are hardy plants that provide numerous landscaping possibilities. Due to their popularity, the camellia has been designated the State Flower of Alabama. Also, Fort Walton Beach, Florida is called The Camellia City.
Members of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Camellia Society will be available to answer questions and to provide demonstrations and handouts with information on the following topics.
Planting and Care of Camellias: The special planting requirements for your new camellia and a monthly care calendar will be available for potted and landscape camellias.
Propagation: There are several methods to propagate camellias that will be demonstrated. They include air layering, seeds and grafting.
Gibbing/Debudding: Instructions will be given on how to improve the size and quality of your camellia blooms.
Insects/Pests/Diseases: Bring samples of any camellia problems you may have for identifications and recommended treatment.
Gardening with Camellias in Containers: If you don’t have a place to plant them or if you live in a northern climate, consider employing camellias as a potted

There will be a limited number of plants for sale and a camellia bloom display. You are invited to come and learn more about camellias and have a cup of coffee.
For more information about this event, call Joseph Jenus, Workshop Chairman, at 850-862-4526.
Here is a link to a UF/IFAS Extension publication with more info on growing camellias in Florida. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep002