How toxic is the air from red tide today? FWC grants UF scientists $200K to develop new technology
September 8, 2020
DAVIE, Fla. --- Two University of Florida scientists are the recipients of a $200,000 grant from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. They will use that money over the next 10 months to develop the methodology leading to a ... READ MORE
Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research, WaterTags: Brevetoxins, Dail Laughinghouse, FLREC, FWC, HABs, Harmful Algal Blooms, Karenia Brevis, Myoseon Jang, NOAA, Red Tide, Toxin, UF/IFAS FLREC, UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research Education Center