Electrical and flood safety

Energy Education Council:

Information on downed power line and flooding safety after a storm – website www.safelectricity.org is an excellent resource:

1) Downed Power Line safety:

After a storm, limbs & debris may hide an electrical hazard. Treat all downed power lines as if they are energized. http://bit.ly/13SkmM7

Just because power lines are damaged does not mean they are dead. Stay far away, and keep others away from them. http://bit.ly/13SkmM7

Safe Electricity advises everyone to be mindful of the electrical hazards that storms and flooding can leave behind. http://bit.ly/13SkmM7

2) Flooding safety:

Never turn off power at the breaker box if you have to stand in water to do so. Get more info on flooding safety – http://bit.ly/gQYVuR

Never step into a flooded basement. Water may be in contact with electrical outlets or appliances. More info – http://bit.ly/gQYVuR

AgriSafe Network:

The AgriSafe™ Network, a non-profit international membership organization, represents health and safety professionals who strive to reduce health disparities found among the agricultural community.

Document on farm flood threats: https://agn.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/agrisafe_floodresource.pdf

Webinar on 9/14 re: farm flood threats: https://agn.memberclicks.net/live-webinars

Texas Well Owner Network Website:


Press Release on flooded water wells & testing wells after floods: https://today.agrilife.org/2017/09/05/private-water-well-owners-test-well-flood/


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Posted: September 7, 2017

Category: Disaster Preparation, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Featured Hot Topic, Hurricane Irma, News

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