GAINESVILLE, Fla. — With the tap of a finger and a swipe of the screen, people can read the most in-depth news about the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences as it launches its inaugural issue of “UF/IFAS Reach” digital magazine.
You can read the publication using tablets and iPads. It includes feature-length stories on the institute’s research, Extension and College of Agricultural and Life Sciences programs. “UF/IFAS Reach” is also a multimedia hub that uses technology to connect you to videos, photo essays, educational resources and social media. The first issue contains stories, photos and videos about the history of UF/IFAS, the UF/IFAS CALS Challenge 2050 program to feed the world’s estimated 9 billion people in 35 years, a program to help low-income Floridians save money and energy, and work on saving what scientists call Florida’s most precious resource – water.
“The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences has a mission to improve access to knowledge about agricultural, human and natural resources, in order to sustain and enhance the quality of human life,” said Jack Payne, UF senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources. “It’s a mission with a global reach, one that’s reflected in our title: ‘UF/IFAS Reach.’”
Each of the three yearly issues of “UF/IFAS Reach” will inform the reader about the impact UF/IFAS is making in the world by highlighting some of the groundbreaking work being done in research, education and extension. It brings you up to speed on what’s happening everywhere in the UF/IFAS universe, from the campus in Gainesville to research programs throughout the world.
“Now you can have UF/IFAS updates that are as on-the-go as you are,” said Ruth Hohl Borger, UF/IFAS assistant vice president for communications. “’UF/IFAS Reach’ complements our current communication programs that include digital and print newsletters, IFAS Matters, social media posts and news releases.”
New issues of “UF/IFAS Reach” will automatically be delivered to your device. To download, go to:
Apple link:
Android link:
By Kimberly Moore Wilmoth, 352-294-3302,
Source: Ruth Hohl Borger, 352-294-3329,