Seriously Evaluating Poinsettias (stand alone photo – no story available)

Susan Crosson takes notes at the annual poinsettia open house and field day
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In this photo released from the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Susan Crosson of Gainesville takes notes at the annual poinsettia open house and field day on UF’s main campus in Gainesville – Thursday, December 6, 2007.

The field day lets growers, retailers, plant breeders and the public see and evaluate new varieties of the popular holiday plant. Crosson said she takes part in the event every year because “it’s a wonderful way to start the Christmas season.” This year’s field day boasted 95 varieties of poinsettias, including 30 new ones.

(AP photo/University of Florida/IFAS/Thomas Wright)


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Posted: December 6, 2007

Tags: Poinesttias