Ornamental Pumpkins Could Open Open New Markets for Florida Farmers, Says UF Expert

Chad Hutchinson cmhutchinson@ifas.ufl.edu, (904) 692-1792
Doug Gergela dgergela@ufl.edu (904) 692-1792

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HASTINGS, Fla. — Pumpkins are a familiar sight in grocery stores at Halloween, but you won’t find many on Florida farms – the hot climate creates tricky growing conditions that are no treat for the cold-loving gourds.

After five years of research, University of Florida experts have identified eight heat-tolerant, ornamental pumpkin varieties that could help Northeast Florida farmers diversify, and give consumers new ways to add autumn atmosphere to their homes.

“These pumpkins are used primarily for decoration, although some of them could be carved or cooked,” said Chad Hutchinson, an associate professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. “Most of them are small, but they’re very eye-catching.”

Varieties suitable for Northeast Florida include the reddish Cinderella, the flat Long Island Cheese, the green Jarrahdale and several miniature types, including Jack Be Little, Baby Boo and Munchkin, Hutchinson said. The pumpkins were evaluated at UF’s Hastings Demonstration Unit in St. Johns County.

Some of the recommended varieties are already sold by Florida retailers, who obtain them from producers further north, he said. Locally grown pumpkins would probably be sold in-state to produce wholesalers.

“With the cost of diesel fuel so high now, we believe our producers could offer a better price than the competition, because there’s less shipping involved,” Hutchinson said.

Interest in alternative crops is high in St. Johns, Putnam and Flagler Counties, because the potato market that once dominated farming has declined in recent years, he said. In the early 1980s, potatoes were produced on about 34,000 acres in the region; this year they accounted for just 17,000 acres. Crops such as sod, cabbage and Asian vegetables have become more popular as a result.

“For growers, pumpkins are a good complement to potatoes for a couple of reasons,” Hutchinson said. “Florida’s potato season ends in early July, the right time to plant pumpkins. And the two crops are different in terms of their disease and pest pressures and nutritional needs, so they can be grown on the same fields.”

Hutchinson said he’s still seeking a large, Florida-friendly pumpkin ideal for making jack-o’- lanterns, which could be the key to opening another new market for farmers – commercial “u- pick” pumpkin patches.

“Up north, taking your kids out to the country to buy a pumpkin is a great fall tradition and I think that kind of business could catch on here,” he said. “It’s one example of how farmers can be more successful by offering consumers a memorable experience to go along with the product they’re selling.”

Several Northeast Florida farmers have expressed interest in pumpkins already, said Doug Gergela, a biological scientist at the Hastings unit.

“We’re excited about the possibilities, but we do encourage growers to make sure they understand what’s involved before committing any resources to this crop,” Gergela said. “Part of our job is to minimize their risk when they try something new.” Like other UF demonstration sites, the Hastings unit evaluates crop varieties to determine which ones will grow best under local conditions, he said. Researchers there evaluate about 30 pumpkin varieties each year.

Many pumpkin plants don’t produce well in Florida because the state’s heat discourages production of female flowers, reducing the number of fruit per acre, Gergela said.

But heat shouldn’t be a problem for another type of pumpkin Gergela and Hutchinson are investigating. Edible pumpkins known as calabaza, popular in Latin American cuisine, are native to hot climates and may be a suitable crop for Northeast Florida growers.

“Currently, most calabaza sold in the United States are imported from Central America,” Gergela said. “So if our growers can offer a competitive product, I think there’s a possibility of getting a foothold in that market.”

The trials under way in Hastings include calabaza varieties developed at UF by pumpkin expert Don Maynard. Calabaza are now grown on a few hundred acres in South Florida.

Researchers also are evaluating winter squashes, which are closely related to pumpkins, Gergela said. Several varieties appear suitable for Northeast Florida production.

“There’s an acorn squash called Carnival that produces well and can be stored for three to four months after harvest, extending the marketing window for growers,” he said. “Some varieties of butternut squash show good potential as well.”

Though commonly considered vegetables, squashes and pumpkins are actually fruits, members of the gourd family. Some varieties of pumpkin, such as Atlantic Giant, can weigh more than 1,000 pounds.



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Posted: October 20, 2005

Category: UF/IFAS