Larry Arrington, 352-392-1761
Millie Ferrer, 352-392-1761
GAINESVILLE, FLA.—Everything you need to know about statewide University of Florida IFAS Extension education programs is now just a few clicks away thanks to a new calendar of events Web site.
“Whether it’s a workshop for master gardeners, a local 4-H club seminar, a field day for peanut farmers, a nutrition seminar for seniors, a parenting class, or hundreds of other timely topics, we have programs statewide,” said Larry Arrington, acting dean for extension with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). “Our new calendar of events Web site is a convenient, one-stop source of information for what’s going on in all 67 Florida counties.”
Arrington said the extension service provides educational outreach programs for all Florida residents, both rural and urban.
“IFAS Extension is your gateway to the vast resources of UF, providing research-based information on a wide range of useful topics,” he said. “To reach more people and expand our extension programs, we’ve added an online calendar — — that has a complete, up-to-date listing of extension workshops, seminars, training programs, field days and planned events.”
Millie Ferrer, interim associate dean for extension, said there are many programs going on at any given time. Many of these workshops provide continuing education units.
“In February, for example, there are 28 different courses or workshops scheduled around the state during a single week,” she said. “Now Florida residents can click on programs and courses for a specific month, geographical area, or specific topic and get what they need quickly.”