Statewide Agricultural Leadership Program Named For Prominent South Florida Grower

Chris Penko (352) 392-1773 x 277

Eugene Trotter, (352) 392-1038

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GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Florida Leadership Program for Agriculture and Natural Resources has been named for George H. Wedgworth, a prominent figure in the state’s agricultural industry.

During a recent ceremony at the University of Florida’s Everglades Research and Education Center in Belle Glade, the program’s name was changed to the Wedgworth Leadership Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources.

The program, administered by UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, develops leadership capabilities in people ages 25-45 who will become involved in agricultural and natural resource policy formation. Charter class members began their experience in 1992; since then, three more classes have completed the 22-month program, which comprises 11 seminars in Florida and Washington, D.C., as well as other countries. A fifth class will finish in October.

“Mr. Wedgworth has been a very strong and widely respected leader of Florida agriculture for his entire career,” said Eugene Trotter, a UF professor and director of the institute. “We wanted to name the institute after him as a living tribute.”

Wedgworth is president of Wedgworth Farms Inc. in Belle Glade and the founding president and CEO of the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida. He also helped form the Florida Celery Exchange, the Florida Sugar Cane League, the Florida Sugar Marketing and Terminal Association and the Florida Molasses Exchange.

“Mr. Wedgworth has made a major impact in water issues, foreign trade issues and many other issues that are related to agriculture having a voice,” Trotter said. “He has always focused on forming cooperatives, which is his way of bringing people together so they have more control over their own destiny.”

Wedgworth, a member of the UF Foundation board of directors, chaired IFAS’ most recent capital campaign committee. He also provided the final portion of the funds for the leadership program endowment. After the institute receives matching funds from the state, the endowment will be approximately $2.25 million.

“The interest from this endowment should make the two-year program available to men and women interested in the health of Florida agriculture and natural resources well into this century.” Trotter said.

During the program’s 10-year existence, private sources in the state’s agricultural community have covered seminar costs for participants.

“The leadership program endowment will allow Florida agriculture to redirect some of the resources they have provided us over the past decade to other worthy causes,” Trotter said.

The Wedgworth Leadership Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources helps participants understand current and projected political, social, economic and cultural issues facing decision-makers at local, state, national and international levels. Participants gain an understanding of people from all segments of society; study the social, economic and political systems in which people function; and use the framework to analyze issues related to agriculture, natural resources and rural communities.



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Posted: May 1, 2003

Category: UF/IFAS