Suzanne AckermannSource(s):
Carol Lehtola, (352) 392-1864, x 223
Chic Hinton, (352) 392-1764, x 224
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks, many people are wondering what to do when disaster strikes.
New books and videos on disaster preparedness and recovery are available from safety experts at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS).
“These books and videos cover every type of disaster, ranging from earthquakes and hurricanes to wildfires and terrorism,” said Carol Lehtola, UF extension safety specialist and coordinator of the IFAS disaster management program.
A Comprehensive Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Education module and a companion video series are available from the IFAS Extension bookstore. The module includes a 1,000-page reference guide, video and CD-ROM. The video series, called “Triumph Over Tragedy,” includes three separate videos, each with a training booklet.
Triumph Over Tragedy deals with crucial topics such as how to work together during disasters to ensure survival and promote recovery, and how to help manage post-disaster stress. The video series also provides information from veterinarians and management groups to help animals during disaster.
Lehtola, an assistant professor in UF’s agricultural and biological engineering department, said the education module includes the 1998 national edition of The Disaster Handbook, which explains what to do — and not to do — before, during and after a disaster. The CD-ROM contains the entire contents of the handbook. The module also includes a video — “Are You Ready?” — based upon a national disaster preparedness satellite videoconference in 1998.
Lehtola said The Disaster Handbook module, $100, and Triumph Over Tragedy video series, $120, have received national awards. The individual topics of coordination, managing post-disaster stress and animals are available at a cost of $45 each, including accompanying manual.
To order copies, please contact the IFAS Extension Bookstore (1-800-226-1764). More information is available at the following Web site: