Chuck Woods (352) 392-1773 x 281Source(s):
Jimmy Cheek (352) 392-1961
GAINESVILLE—Effective immediately, the University of Florida’s College of Agriculture has a new name — College of Agricultural and Life Sciences — that more accurately reflects the wide range of teaching programs available to students.
In announcing the name change, Jimmy Cheek, dean for academic programs for the UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), said the Board of Regents ok’d the change. Prior to that, the change was approved by UF/IFAS faculty, the UF Curriculum Committee and the UF Senate.
“Clearly, the UF has led the nation in innovations in agriculturally related education, and it was time for our name to reflect those changes as we approach a new millennium,” Cheek said.
“Most of the traditional colleges of agriculture across the nation have broadened their programs and changed their names during the past decade. The college’s new name has become the generally utilized name across the country.”
Institutions whose names now include “life sciences” are the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Cornell University, Texas A&M University, North Carolina State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, University of Vermont, Mississippi State University, Clemson University and the University of Arkansas.
Cheek said the new name provides a better description of programs than does the word agriculture.
“Over the past decade, we have restructured and broadened our undergraduate and graduate programs. Our current faculty, teaching activities, research activities and curriculum reflect this diversity,” he said. “Our programs are better described to funding agencies, prospective undergraduate and graduate students, and the university community in general as the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.”