Florida Agricultural Leaders Elected To 1998-99 SHARE Council

Debra Amirin

Melda Bassett Assistant VP for (352) 392-1975

GAINESVILLE – The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) celebrated 30 years of partnership with the private sector at the UF/IFAS Investors Recognition Weekend, October 9 and 10, 1998. More than 125 top UF/IFAS supporters attended the weekend, which featured social activities and informative programs By UF/IFAS administrators and faculty.A major order of business during the weekend was the election of SHARE Council members for 1998. SHARE Council members are elected leaders from Florida’s food and agricultural industries who assist with the fundraising program and help ensure the proper management and use of private funds.

New members elected to the Council include Stuart Christmas, Jim Davidson, Snead Davis (from Sustaining status), Jim Emerson, Hariot Greene, John Lesley and Chuck Steinmetz. Dan B. Childs, Sherwood “Buddy” Johnson, Kay M. Richardson and Marty Smith were re-elected for their second three-year terms, while Clark Bailey, Helen Jean Boynton and Gene Paul were re-elected for their third three-year terms and John Wallace was elected to Sustaining status.

Clark W. Bailey will serve a second two-year term on the Executive Committee, and Hugh M. English and Buddy Johnson were elected to their first two-year term. William E. “Bill” Evans will once again serve as chairman and Wayne Mixson will serve as vice chairman. Joining them once again on the Executive Committee will be Melda H. Bassett, Executive Director; Keith D. Barber, Secretary; Michael V. Martin; Elizabeth “Betty” Duda; James G. “Jim” Hughes; John V. Lombardi; and Myron “Mac” M. Varn, Jr.

Other 1998-99 SHARE Council members will be Alto “Bud” L. Adams, Jr., Sid Banack, Robert J. Barben, T. Richard Barber, Jr., James D. “Don” Bates, R. William Becker, Frank S. Bouis, Helen Jean Boynton, Martha Roe Burke, Owen W. “Sonny” Conner, III, Glenn K. Dickman, John L. Duda, Jr., John M. Finlayson, J. Richard Graves, Jr., Barnette E. “Barney” Greene, Jr., Ben Hill Griffin, III, Elsie R. Griffin, G. Ellis Hunt, Sr., Marvin D. Kahn, Robert F. McKown, O. R. “Rick” Minton, Jr., Fred Y. Montsdeoca, Cope D. Newbern, John C. “Jack” Norris, Jesse J. “JJ” Parrish, III, Walter L. Preston, Adam Putnam and J. Elliott Seabrook.

With the help of the SHARE Council, nearly 2,296 UF/IFAS supporters made contributions totaling $12,541,656 By the end of the fiscal year on June 30, bringing the SHARE fund balance to a record $55,651,430. Donors allocated nearly 58 percent of their gifts for UF/IFAS research and 19 percent for scholarships. Close to 68 percent of the gifts came from organizations, and 32 percent came from alumni, parents and friends. The SHARE program has raised more than $100 million for UF/IFAS faculty, students, facilities and programs since it was founded in 1968 By UF Provost of Agriculture Dr. E. Travis York.



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Posted: November 2, 1998

Category: UF/IFAS