Distance Education Food Safety Course Offered

Carole L. Jaworski

Douglas Archer (352) 392-1991, ext. 202
Marty Marshall (352) 392-1978, ext. 405

GAINESVILLE – If you’re concerned about how nutrition and food safety affect health, a distance education course being offered this spring by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences may be for you.

“Man’s Food” is a three credit hour course offered by UF’s food science and human nutrition department. Instructors are Doug Archer, department chair, and Marty Marshall, food science professor.

Prior to joining UF, Archer served as deputy director for the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. There, he oversaw research and regulatory and policy activities for all FDA food and cosmetic programs. Marshall is the recipient of one of UF’s first Teaching Improvement Program Awards. He was recently appointed a Teaching Fellow by the National Association of College Teachers of Agriculture, and was elected to the College of Agriculture’s Honor Roll as one of its top five teachers.

“All consumers need to have some exposure to nutrition, wellness and food safety issues because of the impact they have on our society,” Marshall says. “Health care costs continue to mount and food illness outbreaks continue to increase. This course exposes the consumer to information that they can use immediately.”

“The reason we’re excited about this course is that it is one course that students can take that has information that they can use forever, “Archer says. “It may be their only opportunity to learn real-life applications of nutrition and food safety in their college careers.”

A science background is not necessary to enroll. Course requirements include purchase of a textbook and a videotape lecture series.

To receive a catalog of this and other UF/IFAS distance education spring semester courses, listing full course descriptions, enrollment information, deadlines and fees, contact UF/IFAS Communication Services by phone at (352) 392-3893; by fax at (352) 392-3896; or by e-mail at DistanceEd@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu. Course descriptions and catalog information can also be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/~newsifas/courses.htm.

Pre-registration for spring courses must be completed before December 19, 1997. Classes begin in January.

The videotapes used in this course may also be purchased separately, whether enrolled in the course or not. For more information on that, contact UF/IFAS Publications at (352) 392-1764.



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Posted: October 20, 1997

Category: UF/IFAS