Letter from the Director
Dear Nassau County Residents,
April celebrated National Volunteer Month. Extension offices across the country are dependent upon our volunteers. Volunteers allow extension offices to expand their outreach by bringing science-based recommendations into our community by supporting the county extension agents. Our volunteers primarily include 4-H Youth Development, Master Gardener, and Money Mentor Volunteers. In FY 22-23, Nassau County volunteers provided 6,271 volunteer hours to the community – that equates to a $165,052 value to Nassau County residents.
We are undoubtedly grateful to every volunteer who helps support UF/IFAS Extension. Without them, our overall county impacts would be remarkably less. Are you interested in becoming an extension volunteer? If so, reach out to our office and we can help provide you with more information.
Summertime is right around the corner. Check out our upcoming summer programming, including our youth summer camp opportunities led by our volunteers, youth, and extension agents.
We Look Forward to Seeing You,
Taylor Clem, Ph.D.
UF/IFAS Extension Nassau County
County Extension Director
Horticulture Extension Agent II
Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator
Upcoming Programs
4-H Youth Development
Teen Leadership Club
When: 2nd Tuesday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:00pm (subject to change)
Where: Miner Road Extension Office (85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097) or (543350 US-1, Callahan, FL 32011)
Youth 13-18 years old
About: 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) Is a youth-led club that provides leadership and support to Nassau County. This club is designed to help youth get out of their comfort zone, achieve reachable goals, give back to the community through volunteerism, and hold officially elected leadership roles. Over the year, 4-H youth will have a chance to use their public speaking skills, work as a team, plan, and budget events.
For more information contact:
4-H Agent, Spencer Hewitt
2024 4-H SUMMER Camps
WHEN: JUNE 4- July 25
Where: 85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097 or 54335o US HWY 1, Callahan, FL 32011
Registration Link: https://sites.google.com/view/nassau-county-4-h/things-to-do-in-4-h/camps
Each summer our 4-H agents will host a variety of affordable, local day camps for youth aged 5-18. Each year available topics will vary, but we will offer a day camp for all age categories. Day camps typically are 3-5 days in length for full camps or special 1 day events and are held out of our Extension Offices. Subjects can include archery, horses, art, sewing, cooking, environmental science, animal science, or even community service. Please see our site or specifics on this year’s available camps.
- To sign up for this year’s day and residential camps, all families must use 4-H Online.
- The camp page links will take you directly to each camp’s event sign up page or you can select specific camps under the events tab in your family profile.
- You do not need to be a 4-H member to attend our camps, but all registrations must go through 4-H online.
- Campers must wear closed-toe shoes at all times and bring a bag lunch unless otherwise specified.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Kelsey Irvine, kelseymirvine@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
2024 4-H SUMMER CAMP counselor application and training
WHEN: due may 13th, training may 18th
Where: 54335o US HWY 1, Callahan, FL 32011
Application Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mJDVJlzR-U5z-dWswiEmVp2Bel-_bt1l/view
- Every year our camp counselors make a difference in planning, leading, and evaluating our day camps…but more importantly they make the difference for our campers!
- We are seeking motivated, excited, young leaders to be a part of our camp counselor program!
- Those chosen for this team will attend a one-day big training/planning day, make their tie-dye uniform, and directly impact this summer for everyone!
- Applications are due May 13th to either Ms. Spencer or Ms. Kelsey.
- Applications can be found
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Kelsey Irvine, kelseymirvine@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
4-H Legislature Residential Leadership Camp
When: June 10-14
Where: Tallahassee, FL
Transportation is available upon request: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dpf1xMzDtzAwnPg
Registration closes May 10: https://florida4h.ifas.ufl.edu/events/legislature/
Cost: $400, Scholarships are available
Florida 4-H Legislature provides an opportunity for teen 4-H members to have a “learn by doing” experience in state government each summer. During this event, 4-H’ers will serve as Florida 4-H senators, representatives, lobbyists, media correspondents, or as Lt. Governor. The purpose of Florida 4-H Legislature is to provide an experience that prepares 4-H members for leadership in the American democratic process. Each participant learns, practices, and defends the theory and process of representing citizens and making public policy.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
How to INCREASE EARLY SPRING Production USING forage Clover
May 15th, 16th, and 17th, 2024; 10am – 11am
In-Person, 543350 US Hwy 1, Callahan, FL, 32011
Learn more about growing and managing clovers for livestock and wildlife game such as deer or turkey in food plots. We will cover the basics including how and when to test your soil, how to interpret the soil report, and how prepare a new seedbed and/or mowed fall pasture for fresh seeding, drilling, or broadcasting, and how to manage the clover to fix the most nitrogen possible. There are several benefits to planting clovers including: up to 150 lbs./acre free N, improved soil health, increased pollinator activity, and foundational nutrition for livestock and game. The main reason you will want to attend this program is to learn about the pros and cons of seven different varieties of forage clovers. For the past two years, we have been testing these varieties and we are excited to share our results as well as summarize results from other producers in the area. We will cover the following clover varieties: White, Berseem, Crimson, Arrowleaf, Balansa, Red, and Ball and we have most of these varieties growing live at our research plot at the Extension office, which you will get to see during the class.
There is no registration fee. Please Join us in-person.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact David Hébert, DAVID.HEBERT@UFL.EDU (904)530-6356 at least 1 week in advance.
Learn to Bird in Nassau County! Beach and surf zone birds
May 15th, 2024; 1pm – 2:45pm
In-Person, 1600 Julia St., Fernandina, FL, 32034
Learn which birds you are likely to encounter at the beach! We will teach you how to recognize these birds by their plumage, sound, habits, and movements so you can show off your birding skills to your friends and family this summer!
Weather permitting, we will end with a short walk on American Beach to test our new birding skills, so make sure to bring some sunscreen and a hat!
There is no registration fee. Please Join us in-person.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact David Hébert, DAVID.HEBERT@UFL.EDU (904)530-6356 at least 1 week in advance.
NEW PODCAST – Cultivating Curiosity
Want to learn on the go? Tune into the horticulture agent’s new podcast, “Cultivating Curiosity” where two extension agents explore the world of horticulture. Each month, Dr Taylor Clem and Alyssa Vinson (Manatee County Extension) discuss horticulture and gardening topics with different specialists around the state. You can find our podcast on any major podcasting platform, or you can visit our webpage for more information about each episode and links to supporting podcast providers.
The Good Gardener
The Master Gardener Volunteers’ bi-monthly gardening and landscape newsletter can be found here.
Want to Become a Master Gardener Volunteer? An MGV Interest Event
May 22, 2023; 10am – 11am
Webinar and In-Person, 85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL, 32097
Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvc-mrrTkiHdOao6A7-gZtSR9X1nbPvfdC
Interested in the UF/IFAS Extension’s Master Gardener Volunteer Program? During this program, you will learn about the training dates, approximate costs, and the great projects happening throughout Nassau County and the state.
There is no registration fee. Please register through Zoom. Limited to 500 participants. Join us in person or online. If in person, join us at our extension office – 85831 Miner Road, Yulee FL 32097.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Taylor Clem, taylorclem87@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
Spring MGV Plant Sale
When: May 11, 2024; 9am – 12pm
Where: 85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097
Join the Master Gardener Volunteers for their biannual plant sale on May 11th, from 9am – 12pm! There will be hundreds of unique plants propagated, grown, and maintained by our wonderful team of volunteers! Many of the plants available within our inventory are not commonly found at local nurseries or stores either. So come early because the plants go fast! This event is check and cash only.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Taylor Clem, taylorclem87@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
2024 Homeowner’s Guide to the Landscape: Shrubs & Trees Workshop
When: April 6, 2024
Where: 85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/NassauHorticulture
Shrubs and trees are major components of our landscapes. Properly selected shrubs and trees can significantly reduce the amount of work and maintenance for a landscape. Join UF/IFAS Extension Nassau County for the Homeowners Guide to the Landscape workshop series for its third workshop program of 2024. By participating in these workshop programs, you will be able to enjoy your landscape more and work less.
Program registration is $25.00 and will cover the program’s materials and costs. Minor refreshments will be provided.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Taylor Clem, taylorclem87@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
2024 Homeowner’s Guide to the Landscape: Designing Your Florida-Friendly Landscape
When: June 8, 2024
Where: 85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/NassauHorticulture
Creating, planning, or designing our Florida-Friendly Landscapes can seem daunting. Join us for our Homeowner’s Guide to the Landscape workshop all about landscape design. During this program, you’ll learn about the basic principles of landscape design, so you may begin planning your very own Florida-Friendly Landscape. By participating in these workshop programs you will be able to enjoy your landscape more and work less.
Program registration is $25.00 and will cover the program’s materials and costs. Minor refreshments will be provided.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Taylor Clem, taylorclem87@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
2024 Landscape Matters Program
Landscape Matters, a monthly horticulture program that discusses common questions and topics with Nassau County residents. This program is presented by Nassau County’s Master Gardener Volunteers. Online and in-person. In-person location changes throughout the year, rotating between Fernandina Beach Branch Library, The Rebecca L. Jordi Cooperative Extension Office, and Hilliard Branch Library. Doors open at 10:00am and the program kicks-off at 10:15am.
For More Information and to Register, Visit Here: https://go.ufl.edu/2024landscapematters
Landscape Matters: The Unseen Landscape
When: April 10, 2024; 10:15am – 11am
Where: Online or In-Person, 25 N. St, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqceitrTotE9diMZo7roNLzV4N-Gz396w7
Have you ever wondered how our landscapes became what they are? Join the Master Gardener Volunteers at the Fernandina Beach Branch Library to learn about the evolution of landscapes and how our landscape preferences and perceptions are linked to millions of years of human evolution.
Join us online or in person (25 N. St, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034). There is no registration fee. During registration, let us know if you plan on attending in person or online. Everyone registering will automatically receive a sign-in link to view the program online. Limited to 500 participants.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Taylor Clem, taylorclem87@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
Landscape Matters: Spring Flowering Plants
When: May 8, 2024; 10:15am – 11am
Where: Online or In-Person, 85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097
Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsc–grT0sHdKaCskUkskXPNggX8J8FxqX
Celebrate this spring by celebrating the wonderful flowering plants of the season. You may also use this as a sneak peek of plants available for their spring plant sale. Join the Master Gardener Volunteers at the Rebecca L. Jordi Cooperative Extension Office (85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097) to learn about the spring flowering plants for your garden.
Join us online or in person (85831 Miner Road, Yulee, FL 32097). There is no registration fee. During registration, let us know if you plan on attending in person or online. Everyone registering will automatically receive a sign-in link to view the program online. Limited to 500 participants.
The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as alternate formats of written material, please contact Taylor Clem, taylorclem87@ufl.edu, (904)530-6353 at least 1 week in advance.
Family & Consumer Sciences
Programs on Hold
Meg McAlpine, UF/IFAS Extension Nassau County’s Family and Consumer Sciences extension agent of 22 years will be retiring. As a result there will be a temporary hold on FCS programs until the position is filled. We thank Meg McAlpine for her years of dedication and leadership to Nassau County. Please note below a list of useful resources for Nassau County residents equipped to help answer questions related to Medicare Assistance, Tax Help, Food Safety/Canning, and Social Security
Local Resources
- Medicare Assistance – Free & Unbiased
- Medicare Right’s Center – 1-800-333-4114
- Elder Source – SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of the Elderly) – 1-888-242-4464
- Medicare – 1-800-633-4227
- Tax Help from the United Way – Dial 211
- Food Safety & Canning from UF/IFAS Extension Duval County
- Food Safety – Natasha Parks, 904-255-7450
- Canning – D’Alicia Straughter, 904-255-7450
- Social Security Office
- 1-800-772-1213
- Between 8:00am – 7:00pm
Contact Us
Rebecca L. Jordi Cooperative Extension Office
85831 Miner Road
Yulee, FL 32097
M-F; 8:00am – 5:00pm
Call in advance for scheduling.
Nassau County Extension Satellite Office
543350 US Highway 1
Callahan, FL 32011
M-F; 8:00am – 5:00pm
Call in advance for scheduling
Resources & Webpages
- County Extension Webpage: https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/nassau/
- Eventbrite & Program Registrations: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/ufifas-extension-nassau-county-58363312263
- 4-H Youth Development Nassau County Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/nassau-county-4-h/
Social Media
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NassauCountyExtension
- Nassau County Extension Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NassauCountyExtension/
- 4-H Youth Development Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NassauCounty4H/