Citrus: Depending on citrus fertilizer label, apply fertilizer every six weeks or quarterly as directed. Check for citrus insects; apply insecticidal soap which can be purchased at most any local garden center. We prefer you use this product as it does not harm the important pollinators (native bees, butterflies) as much as oils and broad spectrum pesticides. Avoid applying pesticides when bees are active and insects must be present or the the soaps are of no value. We would recommend purchasing the soap rather than making your own as the new soaps are degreasers and can damage leaves. Check for disease; apply fungicide just at new leaf flush or after flower petal drop. Maintain 2-3’ unmulched area around citrus trees.
Fruit: Summer pruning to include water sprouts, and fire blight infected wood. Be sure to clean pruners between cuts using alcohol, bleach or Lysol on the blades to prevent transmitting diseases. Apply 6-6-6 or 8-8-8 fertilizer to pears and plums. Apply azalea fertilizer to blueberry shrubs at 1/2 lb per 3’ of shrub. Weed as needed. For mature Loquat trees, fertilize trees 2 to 3 times per year. The fertilizer should be applied just before or at bloom, perhaps during late fall, again in March, and once during the summer. The fertilizer mix should also include phosphate (P2O5) and potash (K2O); use a 6-6-6, 8-3-9 or similar material. Blueberries can begin fertilization program using acid loving fertilizer in February, April, June, August and October in small amounts. Apply general garden fertilizer to plum trees. Weed as needed.
Flowers: If growth appears too slow and the foliage turns yellow, they may need fertilizer. Too much growth from high nitrogen and a lack of flowers indicates the plants have all the nutrients they need and you can reduce nitrogen. Globe amaranth, melampodium, pentas, portulaca, purslane, salvia, zinnia, lantana, buddleia, daylily, verbena, purple coneflower, plumbago, and sun coleus can be planted in full sun. Plant agapanthus, blackberry lily, clivia, gloriosa lily, achimenes, crinum, and iris.
Herbs: Bay laurel, culantro, ginger, horehound, lavender, mexican tarragon, mint, parsley, oregano, rosemary, sesame, and thyme can be planted now.
Roses: Continue spray program. Apply liquid fertilizer. Cut and remove spent blooms. Check for spider mites. Water, water, water.
Lawns: Keep mower blades sharp (once a month is a good rule). Mow the lawn on the highest height for each species – never cut it too short. Avoid nitrogen during the summer months if possible as disease and insects are at their peak.
Perennials: Some pests to check for are grasshoppers and katydids. Both may be chewing holes in plant leaves. Try to handpick them from the plants, or if needed, use a synthetic insecticide as instructed on the label for chewing insects.
Trees: Pests may be noticed in many trees. Their damage is minimal and sprays are seldom needed. Look for aphids, borers, mites, etc.
Vegetables: June is not the best month to be starting a garden or planting new crops. Wait until August before putting in new plants. You may still plant tomatoes in containers if you want something to harvest. This is a good month to solarize your garden to fight against nematodes and disease causing fungi.
Selected from Florida Vegetable Guide by JM Stephens, RA Dunn, G Kidder, D Short, & GW Simone, University of Florida and Month-by-Month Gardening in Florida by Tom MacCubbin
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