We know we said only 4 volunteers would be highlighted this year, but we couldn’t ignore just how much this wonderful human has given to our ever growing horse program. She has especially offered her time and expertise during the coronavirus program changes.
Jennifer Woodruff was one of our first clinicians 3 years ago when our riders were just starting. She has watched our program grow in numbers, interests, and experience. She always adapts to meet each youth where they are at in their individual riding journey. She is consistently positive, encouraging, and willing to share her knowledge. Jennifer has judged for the Area North Show and received enthusiastic gratitude by offering pre-class Q & A and discussion which helped the youth feel better prepared. She always dedicates time to answering questions before each clinic so our youth feel confident starting their rides.
Jennifer has offered answers to last minute questions, helped write our guide to horse show classes, checked legality of tack, and is currently volunteering her time to moderate the 4-H Intentional Riding Challenge and evaluating entries for the Area North Virtual Clinic. She provides tips, patterns, and coaching to everyone who asks. Jennifer lends her talents nationwide 4-H programs.
Besides her expertise, Jennifer is beloved in Nassau County because she truly cares for our youth and families. She keeps in contact with many of her riders and sees herself as part of our 4-H team. She has frequently said that she continues her career because she cares about growing our young horsemen and women more than anything. At clinics Jennifer can remember where our riders started at and how they’ve improved each year which lets our youth know they are individually important and belong.
Thank you for being an awesome volunteer.
You rock, Jennifer!