Does it seem like you have a ZOOM meeting scheduled everyday now? If you’re not used to the platform it can certainly be intimidating.
However, by using this time to master your skills as a virtual meeting participant you are opening up a whole new world of life skills.
Here are 15 tips to be the best ZOOM participant!
- Check and mute your phone or microphone upon entering the meeting (if it is not already done for you).
- Keep your microphone muted unless actively speaking. Remember, side conversations are heard by all participants so keep all conversations appropriate.
- If you are using video, make sure the camera is focused and centered on your face. Avoid upward angles so others aren’t looking up your nose.
- Make sure there is good lighting. Poorly adjusted cameras can be distracting and inhibit the non-verbal aspects of communication.
- If you are using video, be mindful that all your actions are viewable.
- Being distracted yourself can be distracting to others. So if you need to blow your nose, talk with a family member briefly, or things along that nature… please temporarily disable your video feed.
- Tell your family that you will be participating in a virtual meeting to minimize disturbances.
- Check the chat box frequently for questions or links to items that may be used as part of the discussion.
- Dress appropriately.
- Avoid low-cut shirts or t-shirts with logos. It is good practice to wear appropriate bottoms, in the off-chance you need to stand up.
- Speak clearly and slow your pace. Avoid talking over or interrupting another participant.
- In ZOOM the name/phone number/video will be highlighted in a yellow box if they are actively speaking.
- There are host functions that can track if your ZOOM application is idle, so make sure you remain actively participating for the whole meeting.
- Be mindful of your background.
- A messy backdrop can be inappropriate and distracting. Choose an area that has a simple wall to participate in front of.
- Never share your screen or documents unless you have been directed to do so from the host.
- If you are running late or experiencing technical difficulties, let your host know as soon as possible.
- Operate under the 4-H Code of Conduct at all times.
- Use appropriate language and be mindful of how you speak with others.
- Look into the camera when talking, not at yourself.
- Direct eye contact is still useful in a virtual setting. It shows all the participants that you are actively talking with them and not distracted. This will also give you a confident appearance.
- Thank your host before leaving.
- If there are too many voices doing so at one time it is appropriate to use the chat box.
Following good ZOOM etiquette now will provide you with great practice for your future.
We hope these little reminders set you up for success in your many virtual settings.