Are You Running for County Council?

Running for an officer role within County Council is the next step in your 4-H leadership journey.

Being an officer in CC means you have direct input into our county’s programs.

County Council is open to members aged 11+ and each club is invited to send representatives to meetings.

Officer Elections will be held November 4th at 4pm at the Callahan Extension Office.

This year we are setting a new tone for CC elections. We’re going to make it the event it deserves to be!

Running for office is a privilege and an exciting step towards developing leadership skills. If you are interested, here’s what you can look forward to!

The Venue- This year we will truly set the stage for an election!

  • We will have our big flags out
  • Attire will be similar to County Events (tidy and clean, but not formal)
  • A podium will be available to give speeches at
  • Our tables will be laid out with tablecloths with those little extra, professional touches.
  • and we will, of course, have snacks!
  • Representatives from all clubs, not just CC members can vote


Running for a Position

Officer Positions Are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Historian/Reporter
  • Sergeant at Arms
  • Recreation Leader

To learn more about these roles, go HERE

To run for candidacy, you must first understand what your role is. Think about what your skills and experiences will bring to the position as well as what taking that leadership role can do for you. Sometimes it is not about what you already know, but what you want to know that makes a difference!

At the County level we do not have applications. Candidates declare what they intend to run for day of. You can run for multiple offices too!

To run for an officer position, you must prepare a brief speech (about 1 minute or 2) declaring what and why you are running. It does not need to be lengthy but it is required.

We encourage anyone interested to truly campaign. This includes making posters to hang at the 4-H office, making buttons, reaching out, providing promotions to put on our Facebook…whatever! None of it is required but those little extra touches might be the swinging vote. This is also a chance to get creative and have fun!

If you are elected, you must plan to attend the majority of meetings or your position will be appointed to your runner up.

Officers are also on a rotating roster to attend District Council meetings.

County Council members help coordinate our big events like our annual banquet, fun shops, holiday party, and community service events. Even if you are not elected, being a club member means you can still develop leadership skills by being on committees and helping with these activities.

Club Officer Training Club Officer Training



The Day Of
  1. Before officially taking candidates, adults will review the roles and responsibilities of each position.
  2. Names will be written on a whiteboard for visual reference.
  3. All candidates for that office will give their speech and then a vote is cast (heads down, hands raised style). This continues for each officer position.
  4. If a candidate wins an officer role but is running for multiple roles, they must choose to remain in elected role or move forward to the next voting round.
  5. If there is only one candidate running for that role, a speech and majority vote must still be conducted.
  6. Records will be kept of winners and runners up (if any).
  7. When you are sworn in an adult will re-read you your duties and the elected officer replies, “I accept”
  8. A group photo will be taken and then refreshments will be served!


Being an officer, or member, in County Council really is a lot of fun. We work together to bring amazing programs like our fun shops and fundraisers to 4-H. We are a close-knit group who challenge ourselves to become leaders in our community.

We encourage our members to give running a try!

If you are interested but have questions, just give Ms. Kelsey a call at 904-530-6353!


Posted: October 29, 2019

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: 4-H, County Council, Elections, Nassau County

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