Q: How do I repot my orchid?

A: The first thing I notice about your plant is it has algae growing on the roots, this often indicates too much moisture. The orchid is currently being held in a plastic pot with large slits which is perfect. However, this pot was placed into a larger solid, glazed pot. This meant the roots have not been exposed to enough air circulation which has caused the moisture build-up. So, this first step is to use the outer glazed pot for something else – not orchids.

The best time to repot is always confusing for most people but to keep it simple – just don’t repot when the orchid is flowering. Be sure your hands and tools are clean and sanitized and the working area is void of any potential disease or debris. Use a sterile orchid medium which can be purchased at most any garden center. I know it sounds too simple but you can even use plain tree bark medium – avoid garden soils made for vegetable gardening. Remove any dead or mushy root material, throw away old medium and thoroughly rinse it off roots. Place orchids back into a larger pot with slits, which allow for air around the roots, add bark material, moisten whole pot, drain excess water and you are set to go. You may need to use clips to hold the orchid in place. These also can be purchased at local garden centers.


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Posted: June 21, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes
Tags: Orchid

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