A. According to the University of Florida, raspberries are difficult to grow here as perennials and the flavor of the berries is fair to poor. Raspberries are typically grown in the north so I do not want you to be discouraged if yours do not do well. It is not you, it is the plant.
Here is an section from one of our publications: ‘Dorman Red’ is the only raspberry cultivar recommended for trial in Florida when grown as a perennial crop; however, berry flavor is poor to fair. ‘Heritage’ raspberry has been grown as an annual crop during the winter in the southern parts of the state after it receives its chilling requirement. I have attached the complete publication for your perusal. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs104
I have also included a publication from North Carolina which is about growing raspberries in the home garden: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/hil-8204.html