MREC Celebrates Three Doctoral Graduates

Last Updated on December 20, 2022 by Caroline Warwick

The Mid-Florida Research and Education Center is proud to recognize our three doctoral students who graduated on Friday, December 16 in Gainesville.

Graduating were students Yuvraj Khamare, Hang Duong and Zhaoyuan “Frank” Lian. All three students earned their doctoral degree in environmental horticulture.

Yuvraj Khamare (left) and Zhaoyuan Lian (right) were two of MREC’s doctoral graduates on Saturday.


During their time at MREC, all three students worked with faculty members on research and Extension programs to assist faculty in disseminating information to MREC stakeholders.

To recognize the students, a small gathering was held at MREC with students, staff and faculty in attendance.

Following graduation, Khamare will stay on at MREC as a postdoctoral research associate with the Landscape and Ornamental Production Weed Management Laboratory, working alongside his former advisor Dr. Chris Marble.

Congratulations, Dr. Yuvraj Khamare, Dr. Hang Duong and Dr. Zhaoyuan Lian.





Posted: December 20, 2022

Category: UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Celebration, Graduation, Hang Duong, Yuvraj Khamare, Zhaoyuan Lian

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