Holiday Plants: More Than Poinsettias

Last Updated on December 21, 2017 by Angela Colonna

Do you have all your holiday plants ready for this holiday weekend?

UF/IFAS Extension agent Liz Felter talked with Orange TV about how to care for holiday plants and different plants to keep an eye out for this season. Whether it is a beautiful holiday cactus or poinsettia, there are a ‘bunch’ of flower options to choose from to liven up a party or decorate a home or office.

There are different colors and varieties to choose from as opposed to the traditional red and green color palette. For example, there are salmon pink or spackled red and yellow poinsettia variations if you’d like to try a new plant.

Check out this video to get some plant decoration ideas for this holiday season or more.



Posted: December 21, 2017


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