Be Junk Mail Free in 10 Minutes

We all receive unwanted mail and according to the EPA the statistics are quite alarming. More than 4 million tons of junk mail is produced yearly. Over 50 percent of this unsolicited mail ends up in landfills annually. Do you want to stop getting all this mail? In just 10 minutes you can stop more than 80% of the junk mail in your mailbox.

There are several ways to stop receiving junk mail. Some cost money, others cost nothing more than a few minutes.

#1- DMA Choice

Direct Marketing Association represents nearly 3,600 companies. The have an opt-out service. It can be done online for $2 for 10 years or through the mail for $3. Visit for details on how to stop receiving junk mail from their members. You can even do the same for your email.

#2- Credit Bureaus

Pre-approved offers from credit card companies probably account for the largest amount of junk mail in most households. Although it’s tempting to cost them money by using their enclosed envelopes to request your removal, it sadly doesn’t work (and it may be illegal). Instead, here’s how you can stop receiving junk mail credit card offers:

  • Visit or call 1-888-5-OPTOUT (567-8688) to be removed from the three major credit reporting agencies, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. (This phone number will also remove you from various other mailing lists.) The electronic opt-out is for five years only. If you prefer a permanent opt-out, contact them via phone below and request they do not share your personal information for promotional purposes:
  • Experian (402) 458 5247
  • TransUnion (888) 567-8688
  • Equifax, Inc. (888) 567-8688

# 3- Catalogs

Epsilon’s Abacus Cooperative is a marketing tool for catalog and retail companies. Members exchange for information about customers. According to their website, you may opt out in the following ways:

  • By Email: By sending an email to and including the following information:
    • full name (including middle initial)
    • current address
    • previous address if you have been at your current address fewer than six months
  • Or Phone: By phoning 1-888-780-3869 and leaving the above information.

The above options will remove you from the majority of mailing lists.

For any others, simply contact the company. Find a phone number and give them a courtesy call. This takes a minute or two of your time.

If you have some junk mail around you definitely want to check out junk mail crafts on Pinterest, it shows plenty of ideas to create a use for junk mail.

On average, American households receive approximately 70 pounds of unwanted mail each year, most of it unwanted and considered a nuisance. Stop the junk mail and you’ll be saving more than trees: you’ll be saving water, fuel, energy and other resources used in producing and mailing unwanted mailers and catalogs.


Alicia Betancourt, Community and Family Development Extension Agent and County Extension Director for UF/IFAS Extension Monroe County
Posted: August 20, 2018

Category: , Home Management, NATURAL RESOURCES, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Green Living, Monroe County Extension, Sustainability, Sustainable Floridians