It’s King Tide Season in South Florida

King Tides have been the subject of much discussion in recent years. King Tides are the phenomena of the highest predicted tides of a given year. What does this mean for us in Miami-Dade County? More water, where it’s not supposed to be, or where we don’t want it. These King Tide events are connected with the timing of full or new moons, when the combined gravitational pull of the sun and moon drives the tides slightly higher and lower than normal. In Southeast Florida, we experience a particularly noticeable increase in the tides during the fall season, due to the warmth of the water and wind action that can increase water height. Rising sea levels have increased the frequency of these tidal floods. In coastal areas and inland areas alike, these tides have done more than inundate sidewalks and streets, they also over-fill canal systems, rendering them less able to drain appropriately.

Residents and visitors of coastal and low-lying areas should take note of King Tide events, as effects from the tides will be observed or inevitable. Flooding from King Tides can affect roads and other infrastructure. Walking through high standing waters can be a human health risk. When driving through flooded areas, use caution as driving through high water is dangerous and can cause damage to your vehicle. King Tides can affect boating activity as well, as the water height may make it difficult or impossible to pass under fixed bridges. Boaters should take note of tide predictions when planning an outing during this period.

Available online, tide prediction charts can assist you with planning for King Tide events. Using this link, you can input the location closest to your home or place of work, and see the tide predictions for the day, the week, or even the entire month.


Posted: September 18, 2018

Tags: Florida Sea Grant

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