SARE Producer Grants available!

Attention: You must follow the rules and instructions found in the Call for Proposals

The Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program recognizes the value and importance of on the farm, producer experience in developing solutions to agricultural production challenges

Who can apply? Any producer or producer organization in the Southern region

What activities are eligible?On the farm research and marketing projects that promote sustainable agriculture

How much will the grants fund?Up to $10,000 for an individual producer or $15,000 for a producer organization.

Successful proposals include:

  • Cooperators. They can be other farmers, researchers, Extension agents or specialists, governmental or nongovernmental organizations.
  • An outreach plan for providing other producers, researchers, and Extension personnel with an opportunity to learn from project results. Outreach plans may include workshops, field days, fact sheets, or brochures.
  • Clear goals. Clear and simple goals help ensure a successful project.

Ready to apply?

When you are ready to apply for a Producer Grant, download the Call for Proposals and carefully follow the instructions.


1. A farmer or rancher or farmer/rancher organization may submit only ONE proposal to the S-SARE Producer Grant program in any grant year. If you have several good ideas, pick the best one and develop it into a great Producer Grant proposal.

2. Successful projects MUST include project cooperators. They can be other farmers, researchers, extension agents, governmental or non-governmental organizations or others who cooperate in project planning, data collection and outreach of results.

3. All projects MUST have an outreach plan for providing other producers, researchers and extension personnel with an opportunity to learn from project results. The outreach plan is very important; sustainable agriculture will only be promoted if other growers learn what you are doing. Outreach may be accomplished through workshops, field days, fact sheets, brochures or other outreach activities.

4. Projects may be funded up to TWO years for a maximum of $10,000 for an individual producer or $15,000 for a producer organization.

5. You can submit your proposal only on the Southern SARE Proposal Submission System. Full instructions are found in the Call for Proposals.

Southern SARE administers several grant opportunities. The Producer Grants call for proposals is released each fall.

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Good luck with your grant and remember to contact your local UF-Extension agent in the county you are presenting the grant proposal!!!

Your favorite Extension agent!

Vanessa Campoverde


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Posted: September 5, 2012

Category: Events
Tags: Evcampoverde, Farmer, Financiamineto, Grant, Miami, Nursery, Oportunidad, Opportunity, Outreach, Producer, Project, Proposal, Proyecto, SARE